How do I get perfect care on Tama-go?


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Active member
May 8, 2012
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Kansas City, USA
Hi everyone. I am trying to get Mametchi or Kuromametchi on my Tama-go. I know that in order to get either one it depends on having perfect care for the teenager, and the generation determines which of the two it will be.

I have a few questions about how to get perfect care.

First of all, I know you need to keep the hearts filled, and that you can overfill the hearts by two units in order to do this. If the hearts drop down to 4 hearts full instead of 5 even once can you still get perfect care? Mine became a teen as soon as it woke up this morning and it had only four hearts in its happiness. I played with it to make it happy then. Also, can you over-fill the hearts on other versions or is this just for the Tama-go?

Okay, and one other thing that is bugging me, is, if I try to offer food to my tamagotchi and he doesn't want it because he is already full, does that count as a bad care and detract from the possibility of getting perfect care?

Also, I'm still a little confused about the toilet training. I have my training bar all the way up but last time I noticed my tama had the little lines like he was about to go to the bathroom again. I caught him in time for the toilet, but I thought they were supposed to automatically use the toilet once the training bar is full? Is this true? Or do they have to be an adult to do that?

Please help me out!


if you play with your tama alot like games and you feed it and displince if it bothers you and there nothing wrong with it if you have tama-go figures they'll really help out if you don't you can still get perfect care i got lovelitchi after watching her non-stop without figures

About the toilet training, yes, it will only use the bathroom by itself once it is an adult.

And do not worry, the "perfect" care characters on Tama-Go are very easy to get. I had an overweight Tamagotchi, let the hearts go below three several times, and disciplined him incorrectly a lot but he still evolved into Mametchi! So, just keep all the hearts (including friendship) high and you will have Mametchi in no time. ;)

Thank you both for your advice. I did a pretty good job keeping all the hearts filled and woke up this morning to a Kuromametchi! I guess it's true what they say about the generations being switched on the Wave 2 Tama-Gos (purple, pink, black) because I have the black one and got KuroMametchi on my first generation. :3

With any luck the Kuromametchi figure I'm waiting on in the mail will get here today. That'd be perfect!

Get it to the bathroom on time. Feed it his/her fave foods and plat games and go to the park.

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