how do i get two or one eggs:@


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Jun 24, 2008
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i have a v5 and i am on my 5th generation now but i keep getting 3 eggs i know there are ways to get 1 or 2 eggs but howww?????????????????????//

[SIZE=8pt]It's totally random; how many eggs you get. It can be 1-3. You just keep randomly getting 3 eggs. Keep continuing your V5 and maybe you'll get one or two eggs next generation.[/SIZE]


Like porygonlord said, if you marry a Space character, you get one egg. Pure families give you 2 eggs.


Hope I helped!

First, you must raise a tama family with 80-100% bonding.

Then you must marry one of the characters you have to a specific character. Here's the chart for pure family character combinations:

Mametchi + Chantotchi = Mame Family

Kuchipatchi + Yonepatchi = Kuchipa Family

Memetchi + Mumutchi = Meme Family

Violetchi + Sukatchi = Violet Family

Hope I helped!

wait so this family that u just gave me are they a tamagotchi character or a tamamgotchi type of character cause i looked up to see how a chantochi looked like and it gave me several different characters witht the same name

oh now that i saw this i remembered that i once had a papamametchi and a mamametchi but i still got three eggs is that a pure family?

No. Like porygonlord and I said before, a pure family has two eggs. Sometimes if you get a pure family (let's use the Mame Family as an example) and you marry the Mametchi to a Chantotchi again, hoping to get another generation of Mame Family, you won't. Instead you'll get a Smart Family, which is a step-down from the Mame Family. Also, the Violetchi will turn into a Mamametchi.

To check to see if you have a pure family, check your family's status. If it says "Mame Family," "Violet Family," "Kuchipa Family," or "Meme Family," you've got a pure family. Also, when the babies of a pure family evolve, one of them will be an adult and the other a teen. You can use that as a pure family reference as well.

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