How do I play my Tama-Go?


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Jul 20, 2010
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northern part of the Equator
Today at Toys R Us, I met up with a close relative of mine. When I was buying the Memetchi figure and put aside the Kuchipatchi White Tama-Go I was holding, she asked if I wanted it. I said that I had one back at home and this one would merely be a toy to connect with my other Tama. She felt guilty and said she could buy it for me. I kindly refused. The thing is, my aunt always feels guilty when one of my birthdays passes by and she doesn't get me a gift. There are some business-related issues that my mom has with her, so they stopped talking. If anyone knows even a tad about my mom, the first thing that would come to mind is that she gets very angry very easily. Back to the scene- I took a bag and started walking out. My aunt bought the Tama-Go anyways (thinking it was something I would kill to have(actually, it is. 2 Tama-Gos=heaven)) and caught up with me. She gave it to me and, well, you really can't refuse in a situation like this. Since I brought 25 bucks that I got from my mom and now I still had 15, she would know that I didn't pay for everything myself. Either way, I said all I got was the figure. Now I have a Tama-Go in the back of my bookshelf (it's opened, I had to take off some of the paper to make it fit) and I don't know what to do. It's really pretty useless at a time like this. Plus, I can't sell it or anything. That would show that I had it this whole time. What should I do?

Oh no! thats a sticky situation... if it were me, i would just tell my mom, because she probably wouldn't care. but u said ur mom gets angry easily...hmm...still, i would tell her what happened. she might get mad, but then u can get it off ur chest. u no what i mean? :)

Keep iit,...depending on how old you are and if u have a girlfried loan and or give out to her,...hope i helped...or boyfriend

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i agree with Zzgs you should fess up and i am sure she will understand :)

If you are not prepared to confess to your Mother that your Aunt gave it to you then you need to make sure that you hide it in a place your Mother will not have a chance of finding it.... and you need to hope your Aunt doesn't ask you about it in front of your Mum and accidentally give away the secret.

Wait until you have saved up some more money and tell your Mum you are going to buy another to connect with it.

Until then, keep it hidden and don't use it.

Well you could ask a friend to hold it for you... Then have them wrap it and then give it to you. Open it in front of your mom and you should be good.... Or maybe say you found one or it too was a gift. For your 1st one...

Your mom would get mad because your AUNT bought you something? o-o

I would hate for my mom to be like that. I wouldn't even be able to tell her my friend bought me a book at target!

I feel sorry for you :c

But yeah maybe tell her your friend gave it to you because they didn't like it (Like what plopman88 said)

Hmmm.... If it was my mom she wouldn't be mad at me..... She would just say did you say thank you? So, I have an idea for you BurntSnow,


When you'r friend comes, take him to you'r room or somewhere you'r mom can't see. Tell you'r friend quietly that you have something to say. Be sure he dosen't tell. And tell him that he should act. So, just think and know that you'r aunt really gave you it(You'r aunt is so nice!). So, That's my idea.

P.S. This sticky situation happened to me too, only with my grandmother. She said she would buy anything for me, and I had to tell her or else we wouldn't go anywhere!!! I wanted to tell my mom if I should recieve it, Unfortunately, she wasn't there. She was busy and went to work. So, I asked that I really don't need it(even I really wanted it). Obviously, she tricked me to let herself buy it for me. So, I tried to hide it because I thought my mom would be very mad. So, I hid it, then my mom came and fortunately my grandmother didn't tell about the toy thing, but I wasn't really happy too. So, now my mom caught my guilty face and ask about the thing, I had to tell about that, or else this would become even MORE stickier. So, I told her to truth, VERY fortunately, she asked did I say thank you to her? I was so surprised tso I said yes and my bad day turned out to become a good day!!!! BurntSnow, I hope it workedd out well, and DOn't let you'r mother see this topic or caught you see this topic. Hope I helped :(

If you don't know how to play it, read the instruction booklet!
Read his post... Then you will understand what they are asking...

FastForward version:

Aunt ended up buying a Tama-Go. (In addition to) They had a secret one.... Doesn't want mom to find out. Figuring out how to reveil it to his mom without getting into trouble.

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