How do you debug?


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Debugging's esay all you have to do is, take out the back skrew then with a small skew driver take out the four smaller skews And see were the batire would go if there was'nt that cover. put the battire there its helps if you tape it down look rigt under it and you will see the word debug and below that there is too semi circles take a pencial and make like a brige with you pencail wile the battie is in. the put it back together and reset it dont worrie if the egg looks funny. When it hacthes use button A to scroll throutgh all the caractors pick one then name it. if you want to sort of fast forward use button C. :mellow:

Hope i Helped :(

i debuged my v1 and i unlocked characters from v2 and ones i have never seen like 3 blocks w\ faces and more

you can also un-debug by erasing the pencil marks it won't effect anything and will go back to normal :angry:

those arent v2 characters they are characters that were naver made into the normal game

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