How do you do your hair?


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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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How is your hairstyle? Ponytail? Spiked? Messy Hair do? ;)

I wear my hair depending on the day. :) But, usually, I do messy up 'dos. :)


Well, recently I cut my hair quite short. It's still black. Although before my friend created one turquoise streak across the right side of me hair. It was pretty cool.

Sometimes it's a spiky disarray, or sometimes my mom styles it like that Sasuke guy from Naruto o.o; Like chicken hair...

But whatever it it, there's always side bangs that cover my left eye.

My friends like to play with my hair when it's not styled though. It's just short and bolt straight.

I got my Hair Cut Yesterday, Pretty short. (like, barely past my chin) and I have a side part where the bangs cover one of my eyes (thats how the hairstyle is supposed to be, unless i decide to pin it back, which i'd never do. I rarely put pins in my hair)

I do what ever I feel fits me best. Right now it's a ponytail. :p

I always wear my hair down. I never wear ponytails, unless forced to for swimming.

I'm bald, so I'm trying to straighten my hair, when I went to the Barbershop it was all hard, and I tons of Dandruffs, it took forever to cut it. o.o'

So sometimes I wash it in the shower, then I put some softee herbal gel in it, then brush it (I put gel on everyday). It's hard taking care of hair for me. >D

By the way I hate wearing Do-rags. Yes, yes, I have a dry scalp.


I just keep my hair down I have short hair like above my shoulders my mum cut it a couple of months ago :p and sometimes - rarely - I wear a hat I don't put things in my hair allot it's

already pretty the way it is it's short and curly and partially fuzzy but in a good way :marumimitchi: . :kuribotchi: But when I'm stressed - I rarely get stressed because I'm happy most of my days :chohimetchi: - it gets messy and frizzy. >.<

~♥Candy♥~ :ichigotchi:

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Mine's smooth and straight.

I straighten my hair constantly, layer-by-layer.

And then I sometimes but it in a high ponytail, or leave it down,

put some smoothing creme in, ad a cute little bow-clip at the side.

It's a trend at our school. So cute. :p

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My hair is usually always shoulder-length or past on me, unless my mom cuts it, and then it's way, WAY too short... Usually I wear my hair down. (I think hair covering one of my eyes would look cool, but my mom hates it, and probably wouldn't let me anyway...) I haven't worn it up in... Uh.. A LONG, LONG time.

BTW, my hair is brown. So brown that when it's wet, it looks black (and I think my hair looks awesome black..). I used to have blond highlights, but they faded as my hair grew out, thank goodness. I absolutely hated them..

I don't put that much efert into hair do's. I wash it and then throw it up in a messy ponytail or twist it around into a pony/bun. o.o;

Well... if it's a normal school day, I will just wear it down (straight [but really thick]shoulder length black hair, part on the left with side swept bangs) neatly brushed <_< I just might put it in briades if I have time- or pig tails. Sometimes I will just put it up in a messy bun.

When there is no school, I just leave it down or put it in a pony tail :D

I used to wear my hair in basically the same style everyday, but I change it now :p

The styles I wear it in most are two plaits, a single plait and a headband, a messy bun and a headband, or a ponytail with a ribbon.

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