How Do You Feel...


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
How do you feel when a pet dies? I picked the first one because I've had several run away and never return. So, in a way that's kind of like them dying because I never see them again. It's awful T_T. What about you?

NOTE:If you don't have a pet, just try to imagine what it would be like if you did have one. That or don't post here xD

when my lil hamster (R.I.P 2002-2008)died i was REALLY upset, i dont even want to remember that, it makes me cry T_T

he started getting a bit ill and he didnt even ate, then he got weaker and finally died, but now i have a chinese hamster, but i still miss him!!

Run away?

I had a Bull snake escape from me on Christmas once upon a year. I was playing video games and sorta let him slither off. :lol: I thought for sure I'd never see him again. Late next spring, my dad nicked him with the lawnmower. He just had a little nick on his head. I was very happy to have him back! He died 3 years later. So actually I lost him twice. His actual death wasn't nearly as bad as just losing him.

The kind of death does matter too. I have basically always expected the death of a pet. The week leading up to the death is always the worst. The iggy in my avatar died last December. That was a horrible dark week. I just wanted to find places to sit and sulk but I had people to deal with at work so I could not. It was very frusterating. The actual death is sad but there is a sense of relief for them. I talked to a good friend about this at work too. His doggie was dying at that time. The doggie had about 2 weeks left to live. It's a dark time. But when the dog did finally die, it was somewhat of a relief to him too. Of course there was sadness. But knowing you gave that animal a great life is a very comforting thought to live by.

Sudden death is just confusing and sad. That actually happened to me this week. Sudden very unexpected death. I am still very confused and sad about that.

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^It must be awful D: technically, I've never had a pet die in my presence, but 2 ran away, 1 came back badly injured and the other never came back so I wonder what happened. :lol: Then, we healed the injured one and he ran away again and hasn't been back

(these are cats by the way)

EDIT:typo :angry:

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Hmm.. it's a really hard feeling to describe. Of course it's sad... it's almost like when your pet dies, a part of you dies too.

I used to have 3 dogs. One day they were out playing somewhere not too far from home outside, and they were running down a hill, but at the bottom was some sort of electrical wire or something (it was a long time ago) and they all eventually ran into it and were killed instantly. It was really depressing, I remember seeing them dead on the veterenarian's bed o: ;;

And one of was my favorite, when I was like a baby he'd always come uo to my room to be with me, and his favorite spot was outside my bedroom window.

I was little when he died so I wasn't really as sad, but I still really miss them.

It's a feeling hard to describe in words I guess.

Horrible. Absolutley awful. I cry, and cry. They really do become a part of my life. This is what I wrote two years after my dog, Tessie, died.

Pets aren't just pets. They become a part of you. But when they're torn from you, they leave you aching. Sometimes I wonder what's the point of pets if they're just going to leave you one day. That question can be answered. Fun times, good memories, and of course that little fuzz ball that snuggles with you no matter what. My precious Tessie. When you left, you painfully took a chunk from my heart. Two years without you, endless tears and pain.

I love you, Tessie. ;~;

I don't get upset until the night time. I lost 5 pets.

I've lost many pets before. But it's the dogs that really make me sad.

(Krystal's post reminded me that so many of my friends have dogs with the name 'tess' in them. Makes me feel special D:)

But yeah.. I would re-explain how I feel but it's all in my post above. Very sad :(

I used to have a cute little bunny named Honey Bun that died. :eek: I made a topic about him last year, I think.

I was so REALLY REALLY upset. I didn't cry though.

My dog has had a near death experience. He was extremely sick, so we took him to the vet. He told us his pancreas was infected so all he needed to do was take medication. That didn't help, he just got worse and worse. He wouldn't eat and he kept vomiting. He went from 30lbs to 20lbs. We then switched vets and he took a blook test and was diagnosed with an extremely rare disease. Those first few weeks, I was crying alot because I thought he was going to die. Once in class, I just randomly burst out in tears. The doctor gave him daily medication, so now he 's fine.

Yes. And losing them forever is just as fustrating and sad as dying in a way.

I used to have a parrakeet named Ho-Oh(yes, the Pokemon specie for a name, and her sister was named Lugia :p ). And one day, she pulled free of my grasp and that was the last I saw of her. ;_;

I recovered my Tamagotchis the day after Ho-Oh flew away. Meaning, if Ho-Oh hadn't struggled to break free, I possibly wouldn't be here right now. :)

First one. When my kitten died, I was 7.

She had tried to jump over the fence, hit her chest, cracked her ribcage, resulting in her internal organs being pushed up in her chest. Tabby died in 2004.

Nobody told me until 2006. That was evil. I knew she was dead, but I prayed every night that she wasn't, until mum heard me and told me the bad news. :'(

It's the only time I cry. I cried for literally 4 years when Cara [A dog] died. A week for Mousie [A cat] and 2 weeks for Jetty [My little pommy dog] and each goldfish took a day of tears. 10 goldfish died. When Bob dies I'll be a mess. If I think too much about Cara I will tear up. She was seriously my best friend and I vividly remember that day, 10 years ago.

I cried when my dog almost got hit by a bus. I put him bak on his lead and had a semi-mental breakdown on the side of the road.

I would die, almost.

When I was 3, my cat Mathias died. I loved him to bits, yet I had no idea what had happened. Cuz I was 3. I just realised he was gone, and never came back. We had a bird bath which wasn't fixed on it's stand properly. Mathias then jumped on it, the bird bath hit his back and crushed his spine. We couldn't find him for days, till we saw him dying in our own backyard. R.I.P. Mathias <3.

Now we have Tiggrik, another cat. If he dies, I will be hysterical. He's one of my best friends on this planet, someone who's always there for me. I've had him since I was 3. He's been with me through all my troubles. I just can't imagine losing him.

I've never really had a pet die on me. (A few goldfish, but I was never really attached.)

I don't know what I'd ever do if my kitty cat died though. ;~;

Hopefully when he passes I'll be older and ready to accept his death, and it will be his time -- old age, perhaps.

I got him for my sixth birthday, so he's super special! He's turning nine this summer. :]

It really depends on how close I am to the pet.

I have about 50 r/l pets, and I am 'close' to 3 of them.

I'd cry my body dry if one of them died.

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