How do you get over


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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
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I just recently had an extremely hard break up. It was the hardest (out of my two O:) break up I have ever had. I feel heartbroken because I really liked the guy and we broke up because he lives too far away (only 10 miles away...) and his mom didnt know me. I'm uber depressed feeling....

How do I get over a breakup? I almost burst out into tears when my sister was behind me. I held em back.

I don't necessarily want to get over the guy himself (I like him too much) but I want to soften the extremely painful blow that broke my heart.

FireCraker, seriously. That was just thoughtless.

Well, simply, you can still be friends. Theres a start. Um.. Do you have his e-mail? E-mail him about how you feel. Talk to your friends. Sometimes it helps just to tell someone what happened. Maybe someone with experience? Maybe your mum?

That's all I can think of.

I, too, have been through several hard breakups. Here's my thoughts:

1. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself.

2. Treat yourself right. Take a hot bath, eat whatever food comforts you, hug something.

3. Do all the stuff you couldn't do while together, like spend hours watching the shows YOU like on TV.

4. It WILL take time to get over it. Just take it one day at a time.

5. Know that there is someone out there even better waiting for you, when you're ready.

Hope this helps!

Well, when someone breaks up with me, I don't take it very seriously. Two reasons why: Number one. I know that the guys usually only like me for my looks and/or money. I try not to get attached. Number Two. I don't usually date, because of reason number one. It takes a lot for a guy to get to me. I have a tendency to play hard-to-get. I've got a wall that's gonna take quite a bit of effort to break down.

Ease the pain by keeping yourself happy, in any other way possible. Hang with friends. Eat food. Keep yourself busy to keep your mind from wandering to him. In time, you'll heal :]

^ Agreed.

Time heals all wounds. And never underestimate the power of chocolate ice cream. x3 Seriously, letting yourself have a treat and indulge can actually help. Hang out with your friends, who you know will always be there for you and support you. It's great to have some awesome best friends to just be wild and have a sleepover with! Who needs a guy when you've got your girls?! I'm sorry you and Chip didn't work out, but I hope you recover soon. We got your back! ;]

Do. Not. Start. An. Overeating. Habit.

But anyway, if you have contact information for him, use it.

If not, the best thing to be would to be to forget about it, because crushing on a guy that you may never see again just brings more pain anyway.

I've never had an upsetting break up. I've always been the one to break up with a guy - commitment suffocates me and I just get bored to easily. :|

But I understand that this must be difficult for you.

You must realize that time heals all wounds - it may not feel better, today, tomorrow, or the next day - but eventually things will start to turn around.

Don't dwell on him - regain some independence! Enjoy things you like to do - rollerblade, but haven't done it recently? Get out and go for it! Fulfill some of these types of aspirations, while your heart comes around.

You can see about still being friends - that's a personal descision. Try talking it over with the guy - if you still want to see each other as friends, then do so. If you decide to not see each other anymore, understand that it's for the better.

Well, when someone breaks up with me, I don't take it very seriously. Two reasons why: Number one. I know that the guys usually only like me for my looks and/or money. I try not to get attached. Number Two. I don't usually date, because of reason number one. It takes a lot for a guy to get to me. I have a tendency to play hard-to-get. I've got a wall that's gonna take quite a bit of effort to break down.
Ease the pain by keeping yourself happy, in any other way possible. Hang with friends. Eat food. Keep yourself busy to keep your mind from wandering to him. In time, you'll heal :]
Wow. I'm sorry that guys treat you like that. I don't have either money or looks so....

I'm trying to take it one day at a time but whenever nobody is around to distract me, I think about it and it hurts a lot. I feel heartbroken still... I don't think I can date for a while (unless it's Chip again) which sucks because Valentines Day is coming up and I'll be such a loner ._. that'll be fun. This is the only time I'm NOT gonna look forward to a dance

I try not to miss Chip too much, but he was so great... He knew how to have such a good time... I'm trying to distract myself and stuff, but he keeps coming up. We never even got our first date :'(

In history, we were watching a movie and I spaced out and i was thinking about how we never got to hang out, hold hands, go to movies or anything. It made me really sad.

say to yourself "There are plenty of other great, cute, charming guys out there. I just have to find him."

If that doesn't work, like FireCracker said, eat chocolate!

Wow. I'm sorry that guys treat you like that. I don't have either money or looks so....
Actually, I don't exactly have looks xD I'm just saying in general.

I hope the healing process is going well. Time will take away the pain. I promise x3

^ Ah, I bet you do.

It's not really going to well. I'm still pretty depressed about it, but I just cry on the inside. Never let it show. I only get depressed when I think about it.

^ I know its going to sound hard, but just DON'T!

You don't have to think about it. Do something nice for someone else, donate old clothes, and toys, and drop coins in teh mall for little kids to pick up, make OTHER people happy! There are so many others less fortunate, why not help them?

It's not the end of the world, let it go. The past is the past, no use crying over it. What's done is done, yes?

I feel heartbroken still... I don't think I can date for a while (unless it's Chip again) which sucks because Valentines Day is coming up and I'll be such a loner ._. that'll be fun.
I try not to miss Chip too much, but he was so great... He knew how to have such a good time... I'm trying to distract myself and stuff, but he keeps coming up. We never even got our first date :'(
I had a relationship a bit over 4 years ago where it lasted 2 years and it was long distance. I was the dumpee as he wanted me to be closer and he felt too far apart to continue it. Thankfully we started out as best friends and through some self relflection and some time to move on from that part, we remain best friends to this day. I went ot his wedding August of 2008 and after that I felt a weight of 4ish years finally come off me of all the past guilt and negative energy that came about when the break up was intitated.

I made the decision early on when i came to Valentine's day to either not celebrate it (just treating it like a normal day) or celebrate it as in how much you love your friends. You don't need a guy for the 14th of February that's for sure. That's what learned. I think a year or two ago when I actually wasn't going to celebrate the day at all I had a bunch of friends hug me and send me emails and letters letting me know how much I mattered in their lives. It meant so much. Perhaps try that to help with your feelings this coming February.

I mean if you don't wanna go to the dance, don't. I mean in my elementary schools if you didn't wanna go you could always be in the classroom catching up on homework. Or do something else productive. I'm pretty sure dances aren't mandatory anywhere. If for some reason it is, ask for your friends to accompany with you so you don't feel as alone. Friends who stick together, stay together :mimitchi:

Overall the others who posted made good points. It takes time. The amount of time you are with someone, you normally spend healing after the relationship is done. In my case it was double that and then some. Let yourself be sad if you have to be, you're allowed. No matter how long it takes, have appreciation for what you do have and if you can totally aim for the friendship thing with "Chip". I mean if he isn't up for it right now, that's fine, my friend Jon had a hard time doing that too at first (probably because of the guilt he had for being the one who did the breaking up), but in the end if you guys started off as friends, you should end it as positive of a note as you can.

Eventually the clouds will break and you'll see blue sky again. Patience is the key. Accept the things you can not change, courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Good luck!

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