How do you get your parents to purchase tamagotchis?


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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2012
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I wanted to know how you guys get your parents to buy you tamagotchis. My parents said the only way I could was getting straight A's but I need to wait until June..... I'm 19 but I can't buy stuff online just yet. I do have a credit card, but its still under my fathers name until I finish college -_- .

So, how do you get your parents to buy you tamagotchis? My parents said I cant buy anymore but I always find my way, but it takes so much work, for ONE. I want to buy a V4.5 because the red one I have now, it's full chain broke and its bothered me so much, I feel so annoyed when running it.

The thing is this November I want to purchase the P's as well. I'm already on solid As, but for the MP, he's only buying me one. The other 3 is until he sees I've gotten full As. I'm not ready to make my move and ask him for 2, because I know he's gonna say no.

How do you get your parents to buy it? I'm done doing so much work for something that cost around 20 dollars. I really want a V4.5 so I really need your guys help. I was also considering buying a V5, but I've been really wanting a V4.5. Thanks so much!

I'll show you a pic what I mean that my V4.5 keychain broke, its irreplaceable, which ticks me off SO MUCH.

- TamaTamatchi

I have only my mom and she is okay with buying me tamagotchis, but not too often because they cost money plus my education sucks. If I have my money, it's no problem. So I don't know how to help.

You're 19 and your money and finances still go through your parents?!? It's time for financial independence! As long as you are paying what is required of you you should be able to open your own personal checking account at a bank of your choice. If you are paid checks at work you can cash them at your bank or if you have direct deposit have it updated to drop into your new bank account. As soon as I turned 18 I opened up my own account so I could manage my own money and learn how to budget, save and spend! :) Plus, I found that when I was managing my own money there was a lot less stress between my parents and I.

Sounds to me like you believe you have some kind of right to be bought tamagotchis? Maybe you are approaching this from the wrong perspective.

If you don't have a little part time job to give you some independent pocket money whilst you are in college then you are going to be reliant on your parents generosity.

They have given you a clear indication of the terms under which they are prepared to buy you tamas. Unless you can afford to buy them with your own money your only options are to accept what you are being offered by your parents and (much as it might seem impossible) you'll have to come to terms with not getting every tama you want, every time you want it.

That said, any forthcoming gift giving events (such as birthdays or things like Christmas / Hanukkah / Diwali, etc.) ask for a tama. Otherwise, I guess you are going to have to start saving your pocket money.

Good Luck

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Sounds to me like you believe you have some kind of right to be bought tamagotchis? Maybe you are approaching this from the wrong perspective.

If you don't have a little part time job to give you some independent pocket money whilst you are in college then you are going to be reliant on your parents generosity.

They have given you a clear indication of the terms under which they are prepared to buy you tamas. Unless you can afford to buy them with your own money your only options are to accept what you are being offered by your parents and (much as it might seem impossible) you'll have to come to terms with not getting every tama you want, every time you want it.

That said, any forthcoming gift giving events (such as birthdays or things like Christmas / Hanukkah / Diwali, etc.) ask for a tama. Otherwise, I guess you are going to have to start saving your pocket money.

Good Luck
I have a lot of things topping on my back. Updating my log, make sure I'm doing my work, therefore I really don't have enough time to have a part time job :/. I was reading how I should ask them for upcoming holiday. I'm Muslim, I didn't get anything for eid, my birthday is in Feb., so maybe I could ask them for a second one for birthday, eid, and Christmas....

I still have worries because after he bought my iD L, he thought 60 was a ridiculous amount. My dad is kind of a pain in the butt, and looked me in the eyes and told me he'd never buy me one, ever (until the bet with the As came along for one tamagotchi).

- TamaTamatchi

I have a lot of things topping on my back. Updating my log, make sure I'm doing my work, therefore I really don't have enough time to have a part time job :/.
If you're referring to updating your tamagotchi log as impeding on your time available to work a part time job...I think your priorities may be a bit backwards :) Look at something that you can do part time like waiting tables, cashier, department store etc... I had two jobs and went to college full time when I was in college and still had time to do homework and such. Albeit I was tired :) but it was well worth it! Those college year jobs are not glamorous but when you have your own pocket money it sure makes a difference.

Of course...I didn't have it quite as easy like you do :) my parents required that I have a job AND be going to college in order to live with them after I graduated high school. As harsh as it was it sure paid off in the end.

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Honestly, the only time I've went for a part time job was being a cashier, but in the summer. It was the time when I actually could spend money with whatever, I totally forgot what I was suppost to spend it on. Instead, my parents "borrowed" money and never payed me back. I spend it on eating out mostly, and text books... -_-

Here's a photo of my V4.5, V5, and V5C and why I want to replace them.....


I feel so disappointed......I wished someone smacked me into not doing this. I saw commercials on tamagotchis that looked like this and now I regret it so much. I feel so stupid, I haven't ran these guys in years x.x (except 4.5)

- TamaTamatchi

If you're referring to updating your tamagotchi log as impeding on your time available to work a part time job...I think your priorities may be a bit backwards :) Look at something that you can do part time like waiting tables, cashier, department store etc... I had two jobs and went to college full time when I was in college and still had time to do homework and such. Albeit I was tired :) but it was well worth it! Those college year jobs are not glamorous but when you have your own pocket money it sure makes a difference.

Of course...I didn't have it quite as easy like you do :) my parents required that I have a job AND be going to college in order to live with them after I graduated high school. As harsh as it was it sure paid off in the end.

Well, I'm a only a small few years older than you, and I must say... I would never expect my parents to buy me toys like that, lol. You're extremely lucky to still be allowed to mooch off your parents for education + whatever else, plus the Tamagotchis you've gotten through them, on top of that. College is busy, yes. I know. But there's always time for a job afterschool. Many people do it. Perhaps you just need to manage your time better?

TLDR: Open a bank account for yourself, get a job, buy Tamagotchis. Win!

You could buy nearly everything since it sounds like you still live at home, too.

Im sure you could fit in a part-time job. When I was at collage I had a job and work experience and I helped run the collage radio. Collage was 4 days a week and once a week it was the radio after and fridays I did work experience and worked Sundays in a shop. I found the time to do all of it even though some nights I was up till 3am doing corse work.

Then at Uni I was in 5 days a week, worked in a shop 3days a week, was learning a second language, on the christmas shop committee and doning freelance work and yes some nights I didn't sleep but I did it.

If you have the drive and motivation to do things you can accomplish anything, I know you think you dont have time but you will be surprised.

It does sound like you are expecting quite a lot from your parents when they already give you so much. Not to come off harsh but your parents really don't owe you anything at 19 years old. They technically could kick you out of the house and there would be no legal issue with them doing that. It's time to become independent :) and the best way to start that journey is to get a job and start managing your finances on your own! Once you are managing your finances you can learn to save money for tamagotchis you want!

You said that you spend your money on eating out. Meals out can cost anywhere from $8-$10 in a restaurant. If you stopped eating out 4 times you could have $24-$40 already!! You can't have your cake and eat it too =p so if you want to eat out you have to understand that it will be more difficult to save for a tamagotchi. If you sacrifice eating out for a while then you can apply that saved money towards a tamagotchi!

Otherwise...hope for them during Christmas or your birthday :s :D

Neonmoo is right it just takes some drive and motivation! I worked myself to death sometime but it paid off in the end! Good luck!

I would expect any child of working age to get a job even if it is stocking for the local grocery store. If you had the means to pay your parents back they would be more flexable, but I bet they believe you are lazy. You probably even mooch gas money. Most kids I know at your age play in sports, have active music intrests, and still hold a part time job while getting mostly As on their assignments. They have applied themselves and decided that if they want something they will get it and not depend on others. They have learned that only those people who take hold of the reigns of their lives and steer it, will there lives actually get where they want it to go.

If you really want something you will find a way to get it. BTW. If your v4.5 still works then quit complaining about a broken keychain and just use it. The keychain doesn't make the game more fun and you can still find ways to transport it without loosing it.


FYI. I'm 38 and I have had a steady job since I was 15, so the child, lazy, and complaining comments come from experience.

I would expect any child of working age to get a job even if it is stocking for the local grocery store. If you had the means to pay your parents back they would be more flexable, but I bet they believe you are lazy. You probably even mooch gas money. Most kids I know at your age play in sports, have active music intrests, and still hold a part time job while getting mostly As on their assignments. They have applied themselves and decided that if they want something they will get it and not depend on others. They have learned that only those people who take hold of the reigns of their lives and steer it, will there lives actually get where they want it to go.

If you really want something you will find a way to get it. BTW. If your v4.5 still works then quit complaining about a broken keychain and just use it. The keychain doesn't make the game more fun and you can still find ways to transport it without loosing it.


FYI. I'm 38 and I have had a steady job since I was 15, so the child, lazy, and complaining comments come from experience.
I am kinda lazy, and some of you are actually getting me to the point where I might start searching for part time jobs and will still balance the work on getting straight As. As of right, i'm consider a part time job, until when I get one i'll see how it goes.

As of for the tamagotchis condition -

If you really want something you will find a way to get it. BTW. If your v4.5 still works then quit complaining about a broken keychain and just use it. The keychain doesn't make the game more fun and you can still find ways to transport it without loosing it.
I wish I could say the same thing about myself. :/

- TamaTamatchi

Something that might be worth considering - Babysitting or Child Care when you're not in college. Especially if it is for local neighbours' children. The work is ad hoc - often it requires you to stay indoors and sit downstairs all evening whilst the children are in bed asleep and the parents take an evening out together. You could even prove to your parents that you are not being lazy by taking college work over to do whilst the kids are asleep.

Obviously it's not a regular income - after all, you are at the call of a parent who wants to go out and can't leave the kids on their own, but at least you could be studying whilst earning.

I have to agree with othercents about the key chain. Really, I think you need to get past a broken key chain - that really is kind of an odd reason to want to buy a new V4.5 ... if you have a toy you like and it is not broken, I would recommend you play with it.

My mama knows how much I love Tamagotchis, so I just ask for them an wa-lah. However, I know better than to ask for the Tamagotchi P's....she won't be pleased about the price, and anyway, I already made her buy an iD L that costed twice as much than it should have. XD

In my situation, I personally wouldn't ask my ma to buy me a Tamagotchi. Kinda childish for a full-time working 20 year old whose been living by herself for over 2 years since her ma moved out.

You could try making a new chain for your 4.5. It might be easier than asking your parents for a new one.

You're pretty lucky that your parents are paying for you to go to college. I am not lucky enough for that. I was told that if I want to go that I'd have to pay for it by myself. Unfortunatly i haven't been able to make enough yet. Bills are a pain in the butt.

I guess you got a good thing going. A Tamagotchi for straight A's

But I do suggest you look for a part time job. It'll show your parents that you don't need to keep mooching off of them and earn you some financial independece.


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A job... Walking neighbors pets, outside work (lawn/snow/gardening..etc)

Trust me, it feels way cooler to have earned something you truely want. My mom was going to buy my IDL, but I ended up buying it myself. So proud I did because it was fully mine and nobody could lay a small claim to it.

If you are iffy about getting a real job you can start a dog walking business, just post up flyers that you'll walk dogs for 1-2 hours a day for around 8 dollars each. Dogs must be okay with strangers and other dogs possibly, dogs that need to be walked alone will cost 10 dollars an 1-2 hours.

Though a real job is ideal, you can tell employers you are looking to only work about 2 days a week with 8 hour shifts. Many places want part time workers so you might find a job rather easy, and if you ever decide you want more hours just tell your employer you'd like more hours.

Really you shouldnt expect your parents to buy your toys anymore now that you are 19, you need to start looking to be self sufficient and a part time job is a step in the right direction, so when time comes when your parents want to give you the boot you'll be prepared. And trust me they will want to give you the boot, they've been waiting 19 years to get some mom and dad time.



also to fix the chain, get some plyers and bend off the chain links and remove it, then go to the hobby store and see how much the keychain pieces are there, you might even find some stuff you'd rather put on it instead that is much cheaper than buying an entirely new tamagotchi.

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Even working just 10hrs a week will make a difference. If you look really really hard I'm positive you will find something. Since the holidays are almost here, stores are hiring! It may just be seasonal work but that'll give you something great to put on your resume for future jobs.

I'm also 19 and earning money even if it's minimum wage really adds up.

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