How do you play this game?


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hi! :lol: i dont have a V4 but seeing as u had no replies i just dropped in 2 say hi! :D :D

ps- do u have any other versions? :)

You watch the other tama on the screen, and see when they stop. Your tama will do a little "dance" and you have to press any button to stop you tamagotchi when they are in the same position as their opponent. You will get three tries per round, and you must get at lease two out of three in order to move to the next round. :) I have a V4, and mimic takes practice.

On your V4, how do you play mimic? :)   :D
To play the "Mimic" you must copy the animation what the tamagotchi did.

For example:

If the other tamagotchi :D Memetchi stop "doing the crazy eye" when it's your turn use the A button to stop on the "Crazy eye" animation.

"Mimic" means to copy what the other person does.
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