How do you think the world will end?


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I agree with's because the sun, a star will move out of the main sequence and become a red giant, engulfing the inner planets. Unless, of course, the Andromeda galaxy collides with us first. Don't call me a pessimest. It's all scientific.

Personally I think you should just stop thinking about it if it's scaring you that much.Think about nice things.

Like cats.

I luff cats. So nice an' fluffeh. x3

BOT- I'm not really sure. I'm not going to worry about it, though. It's possible, actually, if we all pull out our great and wonderful nukes but you can't worry about that.

Stop worring about things you can't control anyway.

i agree the sun will ither burnout or grow so big that it wipes out earth with the heat and burning wich will probaly happen in 5million years

We watched this video in science class and the scientist guys said that the world will end in 5 billion years due to the sun moving towards the earth and burning everything or something like that. But they did say that the world is going to end in 5 billion years.
I cleared it up in a post.

The sun will expand into a Red Giant, engulfing the inner most planets. Then it will become a White Dwarf and then a black one.

Thanks you guys! Last night I didn't have a nightmare but I dreamed of bunnies. C:B

Don't worry, when the world does finally end we will have already passed away from a peaceful life.

Our actual world will probably end either:

1) Collision of an asterois big enough to turn the Earth to pulp

2) The death of the Sun. Although by the time the Sun is big enough to engulf the Earth, all life on Earth will have been wiped out due to the extreme heat.

As for any mass human wipe-outs, anything involving unexpected epidemia, nuclear weapons, tsunamis, earthquakes and other natural disasters may affect the world, but I think we would probably know full in advance and be prepared for it.

[SIZE=7pt]I think the world will end on New Years Eve, 1999.[/SIZE]




I dunno, its annoying when people say "A ancient mayan calender stopped on 2012" and yadda. I think the world will end when Nibiru comes in our orbits.

Probably the sun will burn us up in... oh... a good few billion years.

i am just kinda scared cuz i live in california and they say in 2012 huge earthquake will hapen and california will break off and sink, that has been up in the air for years and i FREAK out, i tell my parents that by 2011 i want out of this doomed state but they dont beleive its gonna happen, do u no how absolutly HOPLESS i feel, emigine ur life thinking ur gonna die in a few years and NO ONE WILL HELP U!! i wanna cry.

ok, this is how the world will end. six things will happen:

1. 1st seal(law) white horse with a rider that is a conquerer

2. 2nd seal rider of red horse

. you will see wars like never before

. messenger of wrath of God

3. 3rd seal black horse, food will cost a whole days pay

. great famine

. you wil have enough just to get by

. rich will still be rich

. only rich will be able to afford things

4. 4th seal gray horse with name of death

. 1/4 of billion people will die by sword, famine, war, and disease

5. 5th seal nation against nation

6. 6th seal

. great earthquake

. moon will become red

. sun becomes black

. sky will fall into the earth

I believe this in the book of Revelation in the Bible

2012 is n't the end of the world. That's when the Mayan Calander ends. HOWEVER! 2007 was "2012" due to a miscount on the Mayan Calander. Last time I checked, we don't use the Mayan Calander.

This world is also split up into differnt time zones. SO I can hear Jimmy callin' Timmy and sayin'.

"Hey Jimmy! Did the world end for ya, yet?"

"Nope! I'm alive still! GOod luck, however!"

I don't belive in the bible, so that won't affect me.

The Universe will end in five billion years when the sun becomes a Red Giant. It's at the yellow Star stage and it's still considered a young star.

People should stop worrying so much and live on with their lives for once.

2012 is n't the end of the world. That's when the Mayan Calander ends. HOWEVER! 2007 was "2012" due to a miscount on the Mayan Calander. Last time I checked, we don't use the Mayan Calander.
This world is also split up into differnt time zones. SO I can hear Jimmy callin' Timmy and sayin'.

"Hey Jimmy! Did the world end for ya, yet?"

"Nope! I'm alive still! GOod luck, however!"

I don't belive in the bible, so that won't affect me.

The Universe will end in five billion years when the sun becomes a Red Giant. It's at the yellow Star stage and it's still considered a young star.

People should stop worrying so much and live on with their lives for once.
I agree with you, I mean, it's the same stuff happened in 1999 where the Y2K will "doom us all" hah! 2000 has past now Prince's "1999" song is a complete joke. XD


People have predicted how the world would end for years now.

First 1992, then 1996, then 1999. Up to 2004 and 2006. Did it end? Nope! We are still here!

The world is not gonna end 12/21/02 (please. I am not gonna belive that the world is gonna end because a rock said it was gonna end)
The rapture will come! =D
umm rapture? thats from a video game! XD but i think the world will end liek the dinos died, a REALLY REALLY big meteor

you're right the rapture is very near !!

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you're right the rapture is very near !!

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