How do you type?


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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Do you type with 'txt-tlk'? Do you use proper fingering? Do you type with good grammar? Oh and mean typing in general, not for homework.

I dont text talk because it annoys me to see bad spelling and bad grammar. So I type with good grammar and good spelling. I capitalize my I's but I dont use aposthrophes because they look funny. But I'll use them if there is an alternate meaning for the same thing except with/without an apostrophe[Apostrophe = '] I usually don't start my sentences with capital letters unless it looks odd or if Im typing a paragraph. On MSN, I will use abbreviations like 'lol' because NOBODY types laugh out loud. And I'm sure I'm not using proper fingering because Id rather not memorize fingerings ;]

Oh and, I abosolutely hate tYpInG lIkE tHiS.

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Heh...heh...heh..about that. lol

When I first started out, I had horrible typing. I typed like tHis and THi5 and every possible way possible. I also used abbreviations on basically everything and did not know what a capital letter was. (Or seemed to forget when I was typing). I try to use good grammer now. It looks better and makes someone seem at least a bit more educated. xD

I use smilies all the time and 'lol', 'lmao', 'rofl', etc. On AIM, I will use abbreviations and not always capitalize if I don't feel like it. xP

I'm not sure what the proper fingering is, but I think I'm doing good. I keep my fingers on the homerow. -applauds-

Then again...I looked back at my old posts. They aren't that bad actually. No capitalization, but I did have punctuation. Some spelling issues (I still have those now too. xP) Yeah. So. I guess this is how I type?

I use correct spelling and grammar. If you haven't seen I often quote people who 'tlk lyk this. lyk omfg' telling them to learn how to spell and use capital letters. On another site I got so annoyed at it that I quoted the person and re-wrote their entire post with correct everything and bolded everything I changed. 99% of it was bold.

I like grammar. We are friends.

[SIZE=7pt]I use correct grammar,but sometimes i type some words wrong spelling[/SIZE]

[SIZE=7pt]I use correct grammar,but sometimes i type some words wrong spelling[/SIZE]
I can see a few mistakes in there.

Let me work my magic.

I use correct grammar, but sometimes I type some words wrong spelling.
Changes underlined.

I also spot a error. 'type some words wrong spelling' isn't decent english. It should be more like 'make spelling mistakes'

^ Hahaha. Michelle. Grammar freak. Im the spelling freak. Bad spelling makes me mad...

Do not correct my lack of apostrophes because I think they just look ugly.

Its just when I can see very obvious mistakes. I'm currently on the crappy desk-top but on my laptop I have a spell check tool-bar and I love it. I spell check all my posts.

Edit: Just a quick english lesson. 'Alot' is not a word. If you ever find it in a dictionary it's a crap dictionary. It is 'a lot'. Its two words. Ever since I learned that I have been the 'A lot' freak.

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^ Before I used to think 'Alot' was a word. :\ xD

Lol... My friend always calls me a grammar freak... But just because she's a grammar failure XD I use Firefox cause it has a built-in spell checker so I know when I spell words wrong.

I am a spelling freak. Together with Weiwei. I'm a pretty good speller too. Although sometimes I'll go all dumb and forget how to spell ''outerspace'' or something that easy. It's just how my mind works.

I try to use correct punctuation, but a lot (lol, Michelle) of the time I like, get confuzzled and don't write right. That's also how my mind works.

And while on MSN and texting, I don't use capital letters and hardly ever use full stops. I'm just used to it right now, laugh out loud. Yeah Weiwei, I say laugh out loud 8D.

Ooooh, and Michelle, I encourage you to check my post and change any punctuation, spelling or grammatical errors :]

I try to be as correct as possible.

I don't want Heather or Michelle chasing me with a dictionary. o_O

I try my best, but I get mixed up with words like, 'your' 'you're' 'where' 'were' etc. :'P

It just won't sink in!

But yes, I am mainly a pretty decent speller/typer/thingy.

I do not use text talk.

I am a terrible speller, so if I don't know how to spell something, most of the time I look it up. I hate looking unintelligent.

I have very proper typing form. In seventh grade, I had to take a semester of computer keyboarding. They covered the keyboards with masks so you couldn't see the keys if you looked down. And if you DID look down, or not arch your fingers / wrists in the proper fashion, you'd lose points.

I don't like text talking period.

I am terrible at spelling, so I have to look words up alot.

I use my pointer finger, middle finger, and ring ringer to type. But my fingers are not straight up in the air.

I cheated for my typing class in like 4th grade XD I would always type with one finger to pass

Edit: Worded wrong

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I try to be as correct as possible.
I don't want Heather or Michelle chasing me with a dictionary. o_O
My dictionary has a name. That shows just how much I love it.

I need a thesaurus so I can find bigger words.

Spelling is important to me, but grammar is my thing.

Although I admit sometimes I miss out apostrophes or place them inncorectly.

[Girl's = It belongs to the girl] [Girls' = It belongs to more than one girl] [Girls = The plural of girl or more than one girl] Thats a small lesson there.

Geez I sound like my english teacher o_O

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