How Do Your Parents Feel..


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Oh my. xD

I put Barbie Girl on my ipod, so Nicole had to have a stupid song on hers.. She chose the rock Goofy Goober song, from the Spongebob Movie. ._.

She used to blast it in my ear to wake me up.

the 'rents r totally strict!! my grandma hates that all i watch is CSI, SPONGEBOB, and NARUTO. they dnt really care wat i read exept 4 my wicca books. but wen i listen 2 x japan, we alwayz get into arguments. they say it's "changing me" but i've never felt better, the music is bringing out the voice i alwayz wanted 2 let out but wuz 2 scared 2.....

My parents, for the most part, don't particularly care for some things I do.

As for reading, my dad doesn't care as long as I can read.

What I listen to? Some of the songs I like I have to wait until I'm home alone to play. My dad thinks that they are a "major influence." Personally, I think if I don't let them influence me than they won't.

What I watch? My family watches House like it's a family movie night. =D

Well, they don't know what I do on the computer, and don't really care unless it's porn, o.o

My mom doesn't like it when i read 'magic' books, she's like super religious and always asks me if I think it's 'real'. >.>

I read this Wicca book once, and boy, she like exploded! I just wanted to read it, and it was a great book, but she yelled at me for ever....0.0

She thinks I wear too tight of clothes, yet she never takes me shopping where I could get nice clothes.

She thinks all f my tops are too low, and all of my pants, but it's not like she can really stop me from wearing them.

Well, I'm not allowed to watch shows she doesn't like, so I watch them upstairs. =]

TV- Niether parent has a problem with the stuff I watch. n_n

Books- I think they have a problem with me not reading enough...

Music- No problems.

Clothes- Niether parent has a problem with what I wear.

Internet- My mom has a problem with me talking to ppl I don't know, like on TT, or dA, or whatever. My dad is much cooler about it. In fact, I even tell my dad about my TT friends and such.

Career- Well, I want to be a surgeon... or something else in the medical field so I believe my parents support it.

My mom-

Music- She doesn't really mind, except that I like some rap songs and she HATES rap

What I Wear- She loves my outfits, she even says that she wants to wear what I wear o.o

Reading- She wants me to read more books, less manga lol but I actually don't read very much manga...

Computer- She doesn't care at all what I do on the comp. She thinks it's good that I have online friends...

TV- She doesn't care. I don't watch much TV anyway

My Dad-

Music- He doesn't know most of what I listen to... If he did, I don't think he'd freak out, but he'd be like "that song is total crap..." lol

What I Wear- I don't think he liked it, but he's gotten used to it... When I was 12 he said I was too young for nailpolish >>

Reading- He doesn't care.

Computer- He doesn't care too much, but he tells me randomly stuff like "DON'T GO ON PORN SITES!" and I'm like "o_O I don't....". Also when I first started using YouTube he didn't like that.

TV- He always thinks what I'm watching is crap lol. But he doesn't just turn off the TV when I'm watching it so he's tolerant of it.

My parents don't really care. My mom offered to buy me a truck load of Holister (o_O) if I stopped shopping at Hot Topic. My mom doesn't care what books I read. So in the seventh grade, when all the parents were complaining about how our school library had Catcher in the Rye my mom praised me for checking out such an advanced book. Considering how many people at my school are Mormon I wasn't suprised how everyone gave me dirty looks. For music I usally listen to the Alternative raido station Live 105 (105.3) and my mom likes Coldplay. My dad on the other hand hates the music I listen to, so he buts out. He doesn't care what I wear or read.


Reading- She doesn't care at all

Internet- Wants me to use it a lot less and doesn't ever want me going on 'chat' sites.

Wear- She thinks I dress like a 'prude' or old lady. Meaning she thinks I don't wear revealing enough clothing. It's kind of sad, since parents are supposed to be the other way. She doesn't like my clothes and buys me really ugly or revealing ones.

Music- I have no idea

Watch- I don't think she cares

Career: She doesn't know what I want to be


Reading- Doesn't care, but likes it when I'm reading something he's read before. He likes to talk to me about it then.

Internet- He doesn't even know that I know how to use the internet, I think. He 'secretly' thinks he knows more about computers and how to work them than I do, even though he can't type and got his first computer seven months ago :(

Wear- He's fine with what I wear. But was kind of upset when I got my ear lobes pierced (.... and there's only one piercing in each ear lobe). So he definitely doesn't want me getting anything else pierced (which I'm not planning on doing).

Music- We have really similar tastes in music, so he likes mine.

Watch- We both love the same type of shows. Except he thinks it's creepy that I was Law and Order: SVU. We watch the other Law and Orders together, though.

Career: He says I'll be poor doing it

Stepdad: Doesn't really know or care about any of it

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First of all, my mom thinks I'm emo. Once she heard the song 'Crawling' and said..."I don't want to hear you sing that." Ugh. I hate that. And she always says: "Don't start cutting yourself." Wtf. Leave me alone!


Internet: They hate the internet. Dad's always hovering and mom doesn't like how much time I spend on it.

Reading: Hate this too. Only because I spend too much on my manga stuff. But other than that, they feel that it is good for me to read.

Clothes: They don't really care. Only my dad. He gets all nervous when I wear my skinny jeans. Which is like every day. =P

Music: Mom absolutely hates the stuff I listen to. HATES. Linkon Park, Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Papa Roach, and Tokio Hotel. Those are just some of the bands she hates. I used to be a JB fangirl and now I'm not. So what? I rocked out too many times to S.O.S and now I'm bored with it. My dad loves to rock out with me though. xD He's cool.

Watch: My mom isn't a fan of anime. I don't blame her though I mean Bleach and Death Note? o_O I wouldn't want my child to watch that stuff either. My dad on the other hand thinks it is bad to kill, but still seems interested.

Career: I don't know what I want to be yet. Gangster? -shot-


Reading: She thinks i dont read enough but when i actually find a book that i like, she will always say that its bad. All she wants me to read about is little creatures bopping around. She'll never let me read any fantasy or sci-fi which i LOVE cuz she thinks i'll get nightmares from it. In my opinion, thats WAY to strict!!

Internet: She thinks i spend way to much time on the internet. But she doesnt really observe what i do.

TV: My mum doesnt let me watch some of the stuff that i like, like big brother and supernatural. She thinks i'll get nightmares from supernatural and she thinks big brother is stupid. A little bit to strict for my liking.

Clothing: My mum wants me to be more ''dressier''. Cuz i dont like dresses nor skirts and she thinks thats horrible.

Music: She doesnt really know what i listen to so she cant be bothered about it.

My dad doesnt live with me and he hardly ever sees me so ill write about my brother, who acts so much like a dad. (My brother is 21 yrs old).


Reading: Cant really be bothered. He likes the fact that i read about fantasy and sci-fi.

Internet: He always wants to see what i do on the net so usually when i hear him coming, ill just exit my normal stuff.

TV: Doesnt care..

Clothing: Doesnt care..

Music: He wants me to listen to more ''mainstream'' music which i absolutely cant stand. Im not a huge fan of music, unlike him who even has his own band and he just cant understand that.

Overall, i think my mums alot stricter than my brother, but there can be worse!!

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