How has Tamatalk Changed you?


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// A C I D.

Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
In Canada. Along with the Stalking Squirrel
Like the Title says.

How has Tamatalk changed you?

From Tamatalk, I've learned to appreciate the smaller things. Everyone here is so amazing.

If it weren't for TT, I don't know Where I'd be. This is like my second home.

So, Has Tamatalk Changed or Affected you at all? Positively or Negatively [Hopefully not Negativley]

I don't have words to describe how amazing Tamatalk has been for me.

I've made so many true friends. Friends I can talk to and trust. Tamatalk's not just a Tamagotchi forum anymore. It's a home, and the people in it complete me.

I know I love this place because if, for any reason, it ever shut down, I know I'd cry and cry and cry for weeks. It's a terrible prospect to think about, but the friendships I've made here will last a lifetime. Tamatalk's in my heart.

That's really it. And I know I will never ever forget people such as Phoebe, Ksenia, Katie, Krystal, Maria, and so on. I honestly do mean it when I say I love you.

Most people are obsessed with Facebook or MySpace.

Me? TamaTalk. It's my home. And I love it.

From it I've learned how to make good internet friends. ;3 It hasn't really changed me...

All I have to say, is THANK YOU ADMIN. <33

I don't know where I'd be without TamaTalk. Like Krystal said, this place is my home. I’ve made so many amazing friends here. I love this place. I'm not exactly sure how TT has changed me, but I know it probably has. I'd be devastated if I had to leave (again) or if it shut down. I love you guys.

I think we really owe Admin for making this place. ;3

It's actually changed the way I act around my real friends. Usually, I'm quiet and dont talk. But because of Tamatalk I've learned that I can say what I want. And It's changed my behavior overall, and made me just a happer person =]

Good god. I've made so many friends.

I've learnt one thing from TT--Never leave people you love.

Because upon leaving, I was completely lost. I had nobody to talk about about all the small things. So I came back.

This is like my second home or something. I know so many more people and I hope I can safely say that I've made friends who I know will always be there for me, wheter they're next door or halfway across the world.


I don't think I could ever explain it.

Both good and bad, definitely. But far more good.

I've made some amazing friendships that I know will continue throughout my entire life. I could name you three in particular. But I have so many more friends than just them. But I can't explain it. TamaTalk it's part of me, I don't know where I'd be without it. Like Rawry said, it's helped me open up and speak up. I love it here and if it were to dissappear...well, part of me would be gone with it.

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TamaTalk has helped me develop my opinions. Upon discussing issues in class, I usually just sit back and pretend the issues don't matter. But the tough topics in SeriouslyNonTT give me something to think about. It helps me realize that everyone's opinion is important. Now I have opinions on most controversal issues that I've actually taken the time to think about and express.

TamaTalk has helped me speed up my typing and increase my accuracy, as well as exercise my grammar and spelling skills.

TamaTalk has increased my social skills. It has helped me see what is socially acceptable and what is not.

TamaTalk has showed me the other sides of people. People express feelings on TamaTalk that in real life aren't expressed, and it has proven to me that modesty, humility, and genuine empathy DO exist in today's society.

TamaTalk has broadened my musical tastes and has exposed me to many musicians that otherwise would not have graced my iPod.

TamaTalk's members have displayed to me other views on subjects that I never would have otherwise seen.

TamaTalk has given me a place to vent my emotions and ask for help when I need it. I can ask questions and talk about situations that I would not be comfortable speaking about in real life.

TamaTalk has given me courage to stand up for what I believe in and just be myself, not be a shell of somebody else.

Although it's been said before, TamaTalk truly is a second home for me. Some of my closest friends are here, and I know that they don't judge me and don't care how imperfect I am. I know I can always come to them whenever I need support or someone to tell me it's alright. Someday I will me you guys, and I will be able to show you a fraction of how much you have possitivly impacted who I am and who I have become. I really don't know what I would do without you.


Lots and lots and lots of bad, unfortunately. But I 'spose that's passable.

We started the FanFic.

Giving me almost a year to date of fantasticness in multiple ways.

The OFF kids. Naturally.

And some others. You know who you are. Probably.

It gave me OFF. Strange though it is, I owe that to a Tamagotchi fan forum xD

It gave me probably the most brilliant writing expirience evar.

Accidentally starting/brainstorming/writing last summer. Finishing/editing/publishing this summer. Lawl.

And ther's more, but I don't need to much nostalgia now.

It has made me more epical and step outside the boundries of confort zones of people. xD

Yus, it's true. I was once ... NORMAL! O:

I don't know where I'd be without this place. To be honest-- I don't want to know. I think it may be what keeps me from going down Paris-Lindsay-Britney style.

I've learned that most people are good-- They just don't show it. It's hard to see through the wall, but deep down, there is love. For something at least, it just might not be me.

I've also learned a lot about other cultures, especially Australia.

Tamatalk itself hasn't changed me.

I've changed though xP

In nearly four years, who doesn't change a bit? I don't think TT really had anything to do with it.

it's changed me so much =)

it's hard for me to make friends in real life because I'm afraid people will think I'm wierd, but on here, there are so many nice people. I've made so many friends, it's so great.

thank you admin for creating the site, thank you guides for helping with everything, thank you angelgotchi and lifetime angelgotchi members for keeping it alive, and a big thank you to everyone for being those wonderful members =)


That not all people on the internet are insane perverted rapers.

But theres more than that........

That it's much easier expressing your feelings when you type. My grammar and spelling has improved.

This place is like my second home with a second family. That love from all you lovelys are sent through the internet towards all of us in different countries in different time zones.

Being random is pwnsome.

Disney sucks.

There is waaaay more. My love for this place can't be put into words. I shall think of a way though. When I do I shall explode with love.

I made epical friends, discovered epic music, saw others opinions and much more. I actually will never forget some of you.

TT has changed me too much. Both mentally and emotionally.

TamaTalk has made me mature A LOT. Though almost everyone here including me are incredibly immature, I've matured mentally. I've grown up aswell. And that's a positive thing.

My spelling, grammar and punctuation have improved by a long shot. I've also learned about others' opinions, and that everyone can be nice no matter what.

But most of all, I've made loads of amazing friends whom I will never forget. It's incredible that I've met all of you over the internet, let alone a tamagotchi forum. I love you all, and will never forget most of you, especially my closest friends. ILY.

In too many ways.

I've seen the most touching things said about me by people,

I've met my true friends on TT.

But also, it's got me addicted. Mum doesn't like that at all.

Quite much.

It taught me many, many words xD Grammar, and typing skills.

I have learned that Internet friends are possible, and even closer than you think. <3

And I think I have more, but I've got to go now. I'm using the school comp xD

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