How I Live Now...


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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2007
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Hey guys! I wanna know how I can improve my story, How I Live Now...

Its quite alright but I know I can make it better. Just How???

Victoria was a little :p . She had light orange skin and a curly hair that made her look dead cute. She was popular amongst the girls and boys and couldn't wait till her first day of High school.


She had seen the High school before. It had smooth, red walls and a sign that read:


Woodford County High School


Head teacher: Miss. Amelia Flow

Deputy Head: Mr. Edward Flow


Victoria knew she would always feel safe around the school as the teachers were kind and it always had that sweet smell that makes you feel secure. But not for long did she know what was in store for her.


It was the first day of school. Victoria put on her new school uniform. It was a complete with a green skirt, Dark green jumper, white socks, white shirt and a cute green head band. Victoria was filled with joy by one look at it. That's what she would be wearing for the next 6 years of her life!


After she got washed and dressed Victoria skipped downstairs and collected her bus fare. She put on her new roller skates and rolled down the road. She was early at the bus stop so she unbuckled her roller skates and put her school shoes on. After waiting for what seemed like hours the bus arrived. She hopped on so enthusiastically that she bumped the boy that was getting off.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said blushing under her make up.

"Whoah, pretty girl," The boy whispered,"Did I just say that out loud!!!" The boy said again, blushing like a beetroot.

Laughing they both boarded the bus together.His name was Anthony and he told her that he was going to Woodford County High School as well. She was pleased at that because she thought he was sweet and cute. The minutes on the bus passed so quickly that Victoria would have stayed there until she ded if she could. Just as she and Anthony got off the bus, he kissed her on the cheek and walked off. She couldn't believe it but she knew he was blushing. She walked off trying to hide how happy she was.

Victoria was still happy. She skipped down the busy road alone, still full of happiness. It felt like everything was right. Before, it seemed alright. Not too bad, not too good, but now it felt over the moon! She arrived at the school gates and a burst of excitement spread over her. She had nearly forgotten it was the first day of school. Anthony had really made a change to her day!

"Hi, my names Victoria! What's your name?" It was early in the day and Victoria was trying to make some friends. She had already made a few. There was one girl called Mable, she was the kindest and most open girl Victoria had met so far. She was a Violetchi and had beautiful flowers entwined in her hair.

Victoria walked down a narrow corridoor to her first class. Art, read the sign above the door. Yes!!! Victoria loved art. She was always so creative and always had a creative side to herself. She went inside to see Anthony.

"Oh, hi Victoria..." Anthony trailed off.

Anthony was making out with another girl. He was blushing and he had lipstick smeared over his lips. Victoria's eyes flooded with tears. She thought he loved her. She thought he was hers, forever. She just nodded and sat down, hot tears streaming down her face.

"Victoria, please forgive me. Please." Anthony pleaded. The girl he was kissing was called Georgina. She was a snooty girl and had never laid a finger to do anything. She was hot though, and pretty. Everyone wanted to be her friend and Victoria hadn't liked her from the beginning. She just smirked and pulled Anthony away, then she started kissing again.

Victoria couldn't take it any longer. There was still 10 minutes till class started so she ran out of the doors to the girls toilets ( which was on the opposite side of the corridoor)

Mable was standing infront of a mirror fixing her flowers into her hair.

"Are you alright, Victoria" She gasped. Victoria looked at herself in the mirror to see what Mable had gasped for. AHHHHHH!!! All the mascara she had applied had come down her cheeks."Here, the will make it look fine." Mable handed her a packet of dry wipes and in no time, Victoria was back to her pretty self.

"Thanks, she turned to Mable, who was plaiting Victorias hair into a delicate hairstyle. It looked gorgeous.

"Oh, don't worry. I love helping people. Anyway, what happened? You looked dead sad when you walked in here." Mable was still playing around with her hair.

"Oh, my... friend, Anthony was... making out with a girl, Georgina to be precise."

Mable looked in confusion.

"Georgina you say, she is like the most ugliest girl in the world!!! Did you know she stuffs her...




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