How is your room....


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--yellow walls

--green carpet

--queen sized bed

--microscopic closet

--white desk for making doodles/homework/drawers for tamagotchi/crawlaway to scream to space

ZOMG Aubrey Hepburn o_O That's a lot of animals

I have candy pink walls in my room, a bunk bed, rainbow curtains, dark red carpet, white drawers, and a white shelf that opens up and can be a desk.

A wall that has a big Wicked poster blown up to the size of the wall, opposite is the same thing except with Rent, and then there are two big long walls that are covered by stainless steel book cases, except there is a break in them because of my window seat, with a veiw of the river. My twin bed is against the Rent poster, except the poster isn't from the top of the wall down to the floor. It's to the top of my bed. My desk is against the wall in the alcove, with my laptop and more books (My bookcases are filled to the brim, btw). My bed is covered with a blanket that has the pictures of Wicked and Rent playbills on them, and my pillow sheet is like that too.

Can you tell I'm obsessed?

My room is painted lavender with poster of celebs all over the walls.(My sis says it's creepy how they stare at you XD)and i have carpet.

Well, You walk in, and you see my bed going ---> that way, and by that is my desk facing the wall. Then My Tv, and My Shelf. On the other side, I have my nightstand, Then a Chair that folds out into a bed (I sit on to watch tv) Then My Dresser with my Hermit Crab Cage on top of it. My Closet Is by MY door.

MY Bed sheets is Black with Rainbow polkadots.

My walls are off-white, with mold in the corners and half of one wall is missing :[

I have a light brown desk, a bed and some shelves.

...that's it rly

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