how long does it take ?


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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2007
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little hampton, west sussex
Hoq long does it take for my tamagotchi v4 to become 1 year old ?????? and also i dont get the life points thingy do u have to have a certain amount before he will grow or something because thats what i read is this true ??????

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I don't think it really matters. It usually takes 2 days for them to turn 1 year old anyway. And it can take up to 3 or 4 days if ur tama is paused. Hope this helped!

~meritama :furawatchi:

Your tamagotchi usually needs to be unpaused for about 24 hours. But that does not always happen! :furawatchi:

USUALLY it takes 24 hours unpaused.


No you do not have to have a certain amount af skill points to be 1 years old. The skill points are just for your job. one day is one year in tama world. so if you don't pause the tamaigotchi or if you don't change the time a lot then it will most likley turn ages faster. Hope this helps

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