how long is it


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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2007
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;) :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: how long does it take to get tama baby after me give it love honey :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
If you want to get a baby via Matchmaker, you must wait 'till it's six years old, and then the Matchmaker will come. If you want a baby via connection, you must connect with the opposite gender until both tamas have four hearts under their friend status. When they are about six years old and they have four hearts each, you can then mate them. The Honey only makes the process of getting those hearts faster.

All the Honey does is make them fall in love, you still have to wait for them both to be old enough, then, when you connect, your tamas will have a baby.

So, I guess for your poll, you should keep connecting them to have them fall in love.

o that all u do 1 time tama off paws after on paws me no do smart mamai(mamenchi) :furawatchi: :mametchi: :mametchi: :mametchi: me <3 :mametchi:

BTW, does the honey disappear after you've successfully used it, or is it a permanent item?

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