How Long is my tanagotchi life?


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Jul 23, 2006
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anyone can answer me pls:

how long is my tamagotchi life?

how long it takes to become adult?

how long will it get married?

how long will get next genaration?


i dont know how l;ong the whole life is im guessing like 15 genarations

well once your tamagotchi is 4 it turns in to an adult

for me when its 7 years old at 3:00 pm

will once it gets married you stay with the baby for 2 days so its takes from9-11 days for a whole genaration

i hope its helpful

The longest tamagotchi life i've ever heard of was 22 days. :mellow:

1) If you don't mate your Tamagotchi, it turns into an old timer. If you keep taking good care, the Tamagotchi can probably live forever. Kyliesmum's Tamagotchi called Aaron is currently over 130 years old.

2) It takes 72 unpaused hours for a teen to become an adult.

3) It depends. Your Tamagotchi can have a baby with another Tamagotchi after 24 hours of unpaused adulthood, and if you don't have another Tamagotchi to mate with, the matchmaker will bring you a mate. She will start visiting your Tama when it has been an adult for 72 hours of unpaused time.

4) When your Tama has a baby, it will stay with it for 24 unpaused hours, then it will leave on the next midnight.

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anyone can answer me pls:how long is my tamagotchi life?

how long it takes to become adult?

how long will it get married?

how long will get next genaration?

how long is my tamagotchi life?
Many Tamagotchis have gone above 50yrs old, but those have been debugged, or reset (a lot). The standard life is around 6-8yrs old. When we say years (yrs) we actually mean days. I would say, that without pausing, a Tamagotchi could last about a week.

how long it takes to become adult?
As soon as it goes through each one of it's stages! The stages are Baby, Toddler, Teen, and Adult. You have a baby for 1hr and it needs CONSTANT attention. Then it changes into a Toddler. Your Toddler needs 72hrs and then it should become a Teen. Same with the Teen. It needs about 72hrs to turn into an Adult. I would say that the average time it takes to become an adult is about 5-6 days.

how long will it get married?
Er, your tama does not get "married.'' Your tama either has a mate via Connection or the MatchMaker brings you a mate.

how long will get next genaration?
Your Tamagotchi gain a generation after each Tamagotchi has gone. Here is how it goes.

You have a little baby tamagotchi. -Lalala poop wah- Now you have a toddler. Now you have a Teen. Now you have an Adult. When your adult dies and "leaves behind" an child, that child is now the next gen.

I hope that answered it.

I hope you have found the answers to all your questions and you may PM me if you have anymore.


anyone can answer me pls:1)how long is my tamagotchi life?

2)how long it takes to become adult?

3)how long will it get married?

4)how long will get next genaration?

1)your tamagotchi can live to over 100yr old depending on how you treat it.

2)when at teenager form, the teenager will evolve at 3 or 4yr old, UNPAUSED.

3)the matchmaker will come and set you up with another tama to mate and have babies at 5yr old and up. she comes at 10:30am, 3:00pm, and 7:00pm. for my tamagotchis, she usually come at 7yr old. you can also mate with another person's tamagotchi if your tamagotchi is partners with it, has four hearts, if they have four hearts then they will usually mate at 5yr old. oh yeah, the matchmaker will not come when your tamagotchi turns old but you can mate with another oldie and that will get you a oyajitchi as a toddler which ius an adult.

4)every time your tama has a baby and the parent leaves the baby, that is the start of the new generation. if your tama dies, the generation will go back to 1.

hope that helped


anyone can answer me pls:how long is my tamagotchi life?

how long it takes to become adult?

how long will it get married?

how long will get next genaration?

1. Your Tama will be able to live for as long as it can if you do not mate with another partner via connecting or Matchmaker.

2. It will take about 3 - 4 Tama years (days for us) after it hatches for it to become an adult.

3. The minimum age for Tama marriage is about 5 or 6 Tama years old (yet again days for us). 72 hours after your Tama becomes an adult (if it isn't married) the Matchmaker will come and suggest you a partner.

4. About 24 hours after the Tama gets married the Tama leaves. Then you will be able to start all over again with Gen. 2!

Somewhere from 6-8 years. But the Mimitchi lives longer healthly or not!!!! Then somewhere 7-8 the MatchMaker will come but if you can buy a Chest from 0-5 at 6 open it and the MatchMacker comes out it and you usaly get a PRIZE!!!!!!!!!!

Hope This Helps!!!!! :unsure:

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