how many days can the first original tamagotchi live?


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The P1? Which version?

They will live as long as you keep taking good care of them.

the very first version of tamagotchi can live forever? do they change their appearances forever?

How long they can live depends on which adult character you raise. The best-care characters can live for about three weeks.

Also, vintage Tamagotchi models do not have a download feature, so when the low battery message appears, your character is lost forever.

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probably 5 to 7 days.but im not so sorry if i were wrong.

Vintage Tamas? P1? What are those???
By "vintage" we mean the models that came out before 2004; before the Connection-series Tamagotchis. The P1 was the original 1996 Japanese model. The P2 was the next Japanese model, released in 1997. The first two models released outside of Japan were the G1 & G2.

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