How many is too many?


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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2006
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Wellington, New Zealand.
How many tamas have you had running at a time?

I think I most I ever had was 6, but after a few days it was just too much. @__@

I've been taking care of five at the same time for about six months now. Four of them are Japanese models. I started with a pair of KeiTama, and a pair of EnTama, but I retired the pair of KeiTama when I started up a pair of UraTama. Taking care of Japanese model Tamagotchi, is easy because there are some items you can use that will increase their happy hearts level. So, when I don't have time to play games, I can use those items instead.

I think the most I ever had running at the same time was 4 tamas (3 x V1s and a V2) - and you are right - it does get a bit much after a while :)

although it is definitely easier if they are the same version :)

one! yay for me! :) BUT i'm getting another V3 for christmas so soon it will be 2!! yay for me! :) not yet though...

Wow, I wish the english models would have items like that. The Jinsei has fortune cookies that can work like that, but it's at random. XP

I miss the soda from the v2. ;3;

I had 4 of mine going for several months once, but then I gave them to a friend to look after for an hour or so and 2 of them died and I lost all my stuff. D:

Mine's three. My Angel, P1/P2 (can't tell :) ) and V3.

I only have three and they have been running constantly since I bought them. I would love to have more of them. Around 6-8 would be enough for me to run at one time. When they all are starting to fall of your hands when you're carrying them around then you might have to many. xD

When Tamagotchi P1 and P2 first came out, I was in 5th grade and I would care for up to 14 at a time. Yes, 14. And, yes, I was insane. ^_^ I would have them clipped onto all of my belt loops on my shorts throughout school and everywhere I went. I don't know how I did it, but I did. lol

Nowadays, though, I only comfortably raise up to 6 at a time. With work and college and things, I couldn't logically raise many more than that, and expect to be able to care for them properly.

Currently, I am raising 3 V3s(Warusotchi, Megatchi, and Kinakomotchi), a 22 year old Genjitch(a secret character), and a Mothra(Batora).

I now have 3 running (p2, v3, v4), but since 2 are adults it's pretty easy.

I guess it's easier is you time your activation so you only have 1 young tama at a time.

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The most tamas i ever had running was 16. And that's all of them that I have xD I stopped when it got a bit hard, though.

The most I've run at the same time is six. All my babies! I don't find it hard at all...this comeing from a girl with 14 real pets... :furawatchi:

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