How many ppl have you dated?


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I'm waiting for that special 'someone' before wasting my dating on some careless boys

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I'm with my third boyfriend right now. First one I didn't like, second one broke up with me, but I like my new boyfriend a lot, so I hope we don't break up.

Tama 3445521508


Not that serious of relationships, just going out for fun.

In fact, the only reason my last boyfriend asked me out was because he thought I was "hot", not nice or down-to-earth like I would hope. He only liked me for my outside. Shallow.

: (


One was out of pity, but then I started to like him a lot.

Another was we liked eachother, but someone told me he was dating me for the wrong reasons.

And the other...doesn't count. xD



I only want to date if the guy likes me for who I am ^.^

I've been asked out a few times though.

I don't want the ''pain'' of breaking up with someone if he didn't even like me :p

I'm happy single at the moment :D

not allowed to date but i can have a bf and i've have 7 maybe 8 if i ask someone out tommorow and he says yes
None... :p

I've had quite a few guys ask me out though, none that I like and basically just stand in the distance staring at me...

Right now there's one guy that I really like and everyone thinks he likes me, but I'm not allowed to date :D

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