How many tamas have you taken care of at once?


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the most i have run is 2. but then my v3 ran out of battery, so now it's just my v4.


but my v3 has just died for the third time in a row. I don;t get it, the other two can hang on until I wake up, why are the v3 tamas so delicate? My v4 btw is gen 22, been going nonstop since Jan.

i had 2 v3s going before... now i just have my uratama....... but thinking about getting another uratama and a tamasuku :D

i had 5 at one stage!

2 v1s

1 v2

2 v3s

But now its just my purple v3 and my rainbow v4

two ran at a time because first i got a V2 on ma bday then got a v3 then i broke my v2 :puroperatchi: then i got a v4 then broke my v3 :{

I've had two going at once, any more than that and I would go crazy.

I'm running a V4 and an UraTama.

V4: Gen 2 - Pyonkotchi - LILY

Ura: Gen 1 - Daiyatchi - HIKARI

I currently have all my tamas going at the exact same time:

2 v4s, 1 v3, 1 v2, and 1 v1. :D They are all teens now, and it was REALLY difficult when they were babies. I couldn't imagine 10+ tama babies at once! :D

i used to run 7 but den my V1, 2nd V1 V2 and V3 died out so now i only have Tama Mini, V4 and V4.5 yay(not much extra work. most of them dead :D )
Tina u lier!!! U sed u only had 1 V3 lost ur V2 and u got a new V4!!! :) :ichigotchi: :D

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