How many tamas will you have after Christmas?


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I don't know how much I will have because I have so many but the only Tamagotchi I am getting for Christmas is the V5.5.

Zero. None.

You already said that you don't want any Here. You don't need to post it again just to have the last word in a topic. Thats probably why you have over 200 posts in 3 days.


Oh :eek: By the end of christmas I will have about 5. Not like I'm getting any for christmas though XD

Huh? What happend? D: u okay?
;) I let a friend borrow it, but I haven't seen her using it... maybe she lost it, maybe she broke it... ::sigh:: I can't afford another one... but I don't think I'll bring it up... and I don't think I'll get it back...

This year has been bad enough.... Nobody else needs a bad year because of me... I'm not mad, I'm just kinda sad... ::sigh:: oh, well. It's just kinda been the trend of this year... :D

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