How much care


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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
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Muncie, Indiana
How much effort do you put into protecting your tama's case/paint/screen? I know with my music star I didn't worry about it much. I worry about the Tama-go's screen because it's so big. I'm not sure if I'm worried about my Mothra and Genjitch paint yet though. I want to play with them not display them.

Yeah I care A LOT. Especially if its a vintage :/ With the Tama-go it scratched VERY easily so I wrapped it up in a shirt and tucked it in my purse.

The paint has never been an issue with me really. I dont get sweaty fingers xD I havent dropped a tamagotchi in awhile either :p

I'm not overly ruff. The worst thing I probably do to them is put them in my pocket. My music star has been dropped once and the screen has a dent in it but the paint never chipped.

I don't really have sweaty fingers either. They will get oily sometimes but not often and I tend to wash my hands when that happens because I can't stand the feeling.

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I care a lot now. When I was younger, I didn't as much.

So on my first tamagotchi(v2), which I got when I was eight(I think?), the design is very rubbed off.

I've seen pictures where the person's tama is in a case that has holes for the buttons. Any idea where they got these?

I've seen those on Ebay. The hard plastic cases you mean, right? I think they were made for p1s, p2s and other Ancestors like Angels. They usually start at $20 dollars or so, since they are pretty rare. The other case is a soft skin type case (made for Connections and Music Star) and they are included in the decoration kit. They go for pretty reasonable on Ebay--usually less than $5. Walmart, Kmart, and Target may have them also.

As another poster (I forget his/her username) posted, I don't have sweaty fingers, so I don't put much thought to the Tamagotchi paint job. I'm more concerned about dents and other types of physical damage.

There are some on Ebay right now:

I'm like you. I buy Tamagotchis not just to have in my collection, but to play with as well. I make a great effort to keep my Tamagotchis in tip-top shape but despite our best efforts sometimes, those darn scratches, scuff marks, chips, dents, etc., keep coming. When that happens, I am sad for a bit but then I always tell myself that having scratches adds character and that it means the Tamagotchi is well cared for. :p

I care a lot about the screen, but not so much about the paint.

I was a bit younger when I got some of my tamas, and some were in used condition, so they have quite a few scratches, but not my newest ones :(

Anyways, I have knitted pouches for every one of them, (that I am quite proud of :p :D << no, just kidding, haha)

And I could sell such pouches for about $4 each, you can pm me about it and I'll send pictures :p

I'm like you. I buy Tamagotchis not just to have in my collection, but to play with as well. I make a great effort to keep my Tamagotchis in tip-top shape but despite our best efforts sometimes, those darn scratches, scuff marks, chips, dents, etc., keep coming. When that happens, I am sad for a bit but then I always tell myself that having scratches adds character and that it means the Tamagotchi is well cared for.  
I just love this statement. I do and think the same exact way. Except with screens. Scratched screens urk me... they urk me bad. haha I'm just now getting use to what I did to my Music Star's screen and try to avoid using any of them outside because that's when the scratches show up. Weird I know but I do the same thing with my Game Boys and cell phone.

It's not like we are planning to resell them and they shouldn't really be used as a money making investment but for fun. Haha That made me thing of the Tama Stock Market.

lolokotchi:) - Thanks for the offer. I might consider it someday.

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Yeah, I don't really like scratched screens either. Especially since I have a +C...those ones get scratched so easily! I heard the Tama-Go is the same way. I just opened up my first Music Star (took me long enough to get one, right?) and so it doesn't have any scratches yet and I hope to keep it that way. Too bad the +C's shape is curved, makes it harder to fit something like a cellphone or iPod screen protector on it. I tried saran wrap for a while, but then it got kind of awkward.

I don't care much about the screen or paint on my Music Star, but if it's my Tama-go, I get SUPER protective. I take off the screen, gently rub it with a slightly damp tissue, and dry it off. If the paper design for the TMGO screen gets wrinkled, I get a big and heavy book and put it right on top of it and leave it there for 2-3 days. I know, I'm weird. :)

Tama-Gos, Get like a coin purse for them. Most of them fit pretty well and depending on the inside... They aren't going to scratch the screen. If they have a paper tab, remove them...

Decoratchi silicone covers. They are about $2 if you find one online... sometimes with free shipping. Abo that if you find them in a store....

I care for my screens pretty well though. Then again I always am making more pouches better then the last. (As I sew) They protect them pretty well since they are form fitting. (Fleece)

Oh and the screen covers... Get a Nintendo DS screen protector... Those are still good sized and cut to fit. For the Tama-Go, You can place it directly on the clear cover and cut to size.

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I am totally paranoid when it comes to scratches on screens (any screens....), so I bought little baby socks that fit snugly around my music star and iD (different sizes!!).

Also if I need to take them with me somewhere, instead of just throwing them (in their little socks) in my bag, I made a holder for each out of those soap-box thingys (don't really know what to call them :) ), you know, those you use when you go camping and stuff? Works really well and I decorated each so that I know which is which :) :D

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I usually don't take my Tama-go anywhere. Usually the adults can do pretty well by themselves for extended periods of time and I will just pause any other form that's younger. Now my other tama's I'm running I just put them in my pocket but I make sure my keys and phone are in the other pocket.

I worry about getting scratches but that's about it. I try my best to protect it, but I know scratches are inevitable if you plan on actually using something during a period of time. Sometimes even rubbing it with a rough shirt can cause scratches.

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