How much do you love cats?


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The best! But i have a story about a cat that even it didn't put me off the cuties

Its true and happened to me:

I was at my friends place and a cat jumped on me so i patted it and it stuck its paw in my eye and i now have a scar in my eye lid nearly lost my eye and i'm now half blind in that eye.

I voted 'They're OK'.

I've had a bad experience when I was younger with a farm cat.. Although I do have a scar, I've improved a lot with cats since then.. I still don't own any, because I am allergic, so is my dad, and we have three dogs and many other pets already..

But I'm not deathly afraid of them or hate them.

Cats are... Careful creatures, if you will.. I plan to stick to dogs.

I love cats. I have one - he is 15 years old and has AIDS - but he's great. :D He's the laziest, fattest, cuddliest cat in the whole world. :3 Boy am I going to miss him when he's gone - but hopefully he'll stick around for another five years. ^_^

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I like cats but I don't think I want anymore after my two pass away. I've lived with cats since the day I was born and they were always more of my mothers cats then mine. I'm more into Fish and Ferrets than cats right now. Plus if I put my face to close to their fur I sneeze and my eyes water. o(x.X)o

Cats are ok.

I am a dog person :ph34r:

I can tolerate cats for about 10 minutes before I start to get nasty allergic reactions to them. Everything starts to itch.

I am a dog person because for the most part, dogs chose to be with us. Dogs will do that happy doggie dance when you come home. They are genuinely happy to see you! Cats on the other hand really could not care less if you come back home or not. Ever. As long as cats have access to their needs, they are good to go.

Sure, cats like attention but really, weather or not you are around, it doesn't really seem to matter to them. ;)

I have 4 and they are really disgusting. :p I still love them though...

I love Cats very much- I'm definetely a Cat person. ;) I have 2 of them, so I should know how cute, soft, and affectionate that they can be.

I voted 'They're OK'.I've had a bad experience when I was younger with a farm cat.. Although I do have a scar, I've improved a lot with cats since then.. I still don't own any, because I am allergic, so is my dad, and we have three dogs and many other pets already..

But I'm not deathly afraid of them or hate them.

Cats are... Careful creatures, if you will.. I plan to stick to dogs.
I agree with you. I've had a bad experience with them aswell, and I agree with you completely on that last line. But I hate them. The only cat I like is my friend's cat. (which is actually the one that scratched me, but she's friendly)

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