How often are you On tamatalk?


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Not too long ago I was a complete TamaTalk addict making a hundred posts a day. If you haven't noticed, over the past month I haven't been on. But now I'm back! Back to the GotchiGirl96 you all know to be on TamaTalk everyday, all day!

Since December 6, 2006, I've been on like whenever I can. ^3^

I'm on everyday. Though I sometimes take breaks from TT which are very hard to do since I like this place so much. :-D


9th june..XP 07.

But i'm happy like this! ^.^

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About most of the day but if someone gets on the computer i get on i just get on the labtop which i'm on now.

Everyday, but that will change in about a week, school is starting and I will b eon less, homework things and whatnot

Everyday unless I'm at my trailor. Usually I'm on for 6-12 hours daily. o.o

I was on a lot in the beguinning(SP?) and then I stopped, I just recently remebered I belonged to TT^^.

I stay on 1 hour plus a day. I mostly like talking to **UrItChi**

Hm, you guess. xD

I just joined and i think i'm addicted already. o_O

Now that's some serious issues!

Just like the title said?
Since November 5th 2005. I have gotten on practically EVERY day XD
Seriously? I signed up two months before you! xD

I'm on here every day.

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An hour almost every day since January 19th this year, or whenever I joined.
22nd. XD

Wow, all of you have more posts. o.o

Y'must have been real active if you have that many a day. XD

This is my second account so I've been here over a year.

I come on basically every day but I did stop posting for a while between feburary and may

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