How Often Do You Brush Your Teeth?


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
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realizing regret
xD Subject of boredom, and remembering I forgot to.

How often do you brush your teeth, erm, and stuff?

Me, personally, I brush twice a day, unless I forget. Once in the morning and once at night.

i always brush my theeth in the mornig i mostly brush my teth at night an di somtimes brush my theeth in the midl of the day :ph34r: ....ooopsy

^ Really? Oh wow. I brush once in the morning, once in the night. But I sometimes forget at night, or am just too lazy to get up and go to the bathroom.

I Know Im Just Busy From Moring To Night D:I Need To Put In Time To Brush xP
Yeah. You really should.

I remember this one time I didn't brush all day. So..I chewed gum...

Twice a day...but I forget alot at night! Usually I'm too tired to brush my teeth and just change into my PJs and fall into bed.

I brush before school, chew gum after I eat in school and brush before bed. Sometimes I feel nasty so I brush a little bit during the day too.

I use a Sonicare tooth brush and ohmaigawsh, best. toothbrush. ever!

I've never had a cavity. :}

I dont usually brush, but I have very good dental hygene. I chew the whitening gum, I have never had a cavity, toothache, etc. Gums are good too. I still brush about three times a week though, to be sure ^-^

um...once in da morning and once at night

and no cavities!! (even though I hardly brushed when I was 6! XD)

Once mornin, once at night! Sometimes after I have soda my teeth feel all...sugary so I brush em again.

Brush my teeth? I don't. :p

No, really I do. Twice a day, unless I forget. But I almost always chew gum if I DO forget. I have gotten MANY cavities (especially when I was younger) even though I hardly ate sweets back then. I just inherited them...D:

I use a Sonicare tooth brush and ohmaigawsh, best. toothbrush. ever!
I want one of those so bad. I have the crest spinbrush, which is the best you can get if your parents are cheap, hehe.

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