How old to be dating?


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
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Melbourne, FL
So I was wondering: how old is old enough to have a boyfriend/girlfriend to you?

I, personally, think 15 is probably the earliest to have a boyfriend. And not going out every night and making out sort of thing. The occasional date, going to movies, the "cutesy" relationship of young teens.

~SkyCrystal ^_^

I shouldn't be one to talk, but I had a "boyfriend" when I was around 13. Still though, I never consider it as a real relationship, because it was only defined by holding hands in the school yard, and sitting in the middle of the movie theatre together, with the rest of your friends huddled around you. It's more of a playground relationship.

I think it's completely fine though, it's really the basics of growing up and discovering what relationships are about - never anything serious though.

In highschool, things start to become a little more real, and that's around the time you should be allowed to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. As long as it doesn't interfere with school or friends and such. Some would argue after highschool, but it's different for everyone. A lot of highschool relationships don't last anyways, but it's always fun to just see what's out there and enjoy your time, whether it's with a boyfriend/girlfriend, or with friends.

I don't put a set number on these types of things. I mean, my eight year old sister had a crush on a boy and made him presents and went round his house and such. It was the cutest thing ever.

When crushes 'kick in', you want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. What harm is having a little replationship going to do? In fact, it'll just make you more wiser when you're older and find yourself in much more serious relationships.

You can't stop hormones.

So I was wondering: how old is old enough to have a boyfriend/girlfriend to you?
I, personally, think 15 is probably the earliest to have a boyfriend. And not going out every night and making out sort of thing. The occasional date, going to movies, the "cutesy" relationship of young teens.

~SkyCrystal ;)
I agree with you, but I feel like it could be different for everyone.

I really don't think there is a set age guideline on when you should begin dating. It's something that's different for everybody. You should decide on whether or not you're ready based on your maturity level and your emotional stability rather than your age. I've had some "playground relationship's" as tamtamkitty said, and I had my first more serious relationship this year (though that didn't work out). Relationships can be fun, and you'll know when you're ready for one.

I think whenever you're personally "ready". By that, I mean both emotionally and mentally.

The only relationships I've previously had were "playground relationships" like what Katie and Tamtamkitty mentioned. Hugging, kisses on the cheek, going to dances together, that sorta thing. We barely saw each other out of school, to be honest. xD

The age when people start dating varies from person to person. There's no "set" age limit or anything - you're old enough when you, yourself, believe you are.

Im 13 and in my opinion? I think 16 and older. When the your old enough to have a job and drive and take them out to eat and pay. Something nice not just seeing each other at school and holding hands/kissing. And again I mean those are playground relationships". Plus I think you should be old enought to start dating and not do stupid things. Like teenage pregnancy and ruin your life because of that. :/

I don't put a set number on these types of things. I mean, my eight year old sister had a crush on a boy and made him presents and went round his house and such. It was the cutest thing ever.
When crushes 'kick in', you want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. What harm is having a little replationship going to do? In fact, it'll just make you more wiser when you're older and find yourself in much more serious relationships.

You can't stop hormones.
Agreed with absolutely everything you said here.

Those so-called '"playground relationships" are probably just a starter towards the bigger and more serious relationships you start to have later on in your life :)

Well, obviously we've all had our playground relationships and everything, but when do things start to get serious? Afterall, in the whole scheme of things, people date because they're looking for a spouse. Eventually. You have to know what you're looking for in a guy/girl and have been in a few relationships until you can really know. So anything before that ripe age of developing your own "taste" (as shallow as it might sound) is basically fluff and dramatic kid stuff. When do things start taking a more serious turn?

And just to make things more interesting, when is to OLD to start dating to you? I don't think there's a cap on when to start, but I just want to see what you guys think. :)


I think that dating is based off how emotionally and mentally mature you are.

Kind of like love.

I don't think you should date until you're, I dunno, fifteen or sixteen. But I guess that varies by the person because of the maturity level.

I don't think there's really a limit on when you should stop dating.


Oh wow... I feel weird now...

As a matter of Awkward...fact, I first started dating when I first turned 11, and that was the first time I went to the movies with a guy. I don't really believe in the whole lovey-dovey stuff currently, since I know it won't last forever, and also, I believe the time to stop dating is when your engaged...

~Checking out of this place!~

I think that people should start to date around 15 or 16. This being said, I don't think that they should be allowed to be alone together. Maybe group dating, or doing things with their parents, but never alone.

I personally am almost 18 years old and I'm STILL not allowed to date yet. I think my dad doesn't want me to start 'dating' until I'm ready to get married. But I've still had BF's. We just don't do anything together outside of school related activities. XD

I just don't agree there's an age limit.

Little 5 year old girls can have a boyfriend, even though they don't know what proper love is. At that age, it's just a little harmless fun. They don't really take it serious.

But really, it's when you are emotionally ready. I don't agree that when you are older than the little kid age, and know what relationships are, that you should jump from relationship to relationship. Because you are at the age now where it can actually break someone's heart. I think that when you are around this age, you should only date someone if you are properly in love. Not just for the fact of having a boyfriend/girlfriend.

]My mother met my dad when she was 18, and they've stayed together for 27 years - not married! Personally, i think it's best to have a PROPER relationship when you're not going to be very upset if the boy dumps you.

Here's a little tip, if you like someone, don't follow them round, it's likely to put them off you, wait for them to make a move. If you think a guy/girl kinda likes you, why not ask them for a trip to town. Don't be upset if they reject - there are plenty more fish in the sea.

yeah well im eleven ive had 12 girlfriends one of them actually lasted 3 years!

I don't think that it's bad when you're a little kid and have a cutesy kind of relationship that's not serious at all. There's different levels of relationships, when you're younger they're not so serious and when you're older they are, so I don't really think there's an age limit.

yeah well im eleven ive had 12 girlfriends one of them actually lasted 3 years!
Wow, that's like one for each year of your life. XD

Honestly, I think when you are at least in your teens.As in, about thirteen or fourteen, then move on from there.I find it weird, how most of the kids in my school (11 and 12), "go out" with each other, when I don't think they actually do have romantic feelings for one another.

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