How old to be dating?


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I'm 14, and I can honestly say I am more mature than anyone my age. I'm dating a 17 year old. Most people disapprove of this, but we are mature. He never pressures me into things, and we don't make out every 5 seconds. It's kind of just a "fun" cutesy relationship.. act like a couple in school, and go out on occasional dates. Sure. Many people my age may still think love is gross, or not for them. They might just be dating someone for the fun of it. But it just depends. I honestly think love just happens.

I don't think it matters on age, but maturity level. When you are ready to actually get into a serious relationship instead of those cutesy middle school ones.

Oh gosh, I hate questions like these because there is no one real answer.


In my opinion, I believe someone shouldn't start dating until there mature enough. So...I'm thinking 20's. But then again maturity isn't the only thing that makes a relationship work. It's dedication, love, and so on.



Crushes are fine to have at any age, in my opinion. I'm 22 and I've had a crush on at least one guy since kindergarten, no lie. :mellow: When a person starts to date though, that's a different story. I think it should be when a person is mentally and emotionally mature. It shouldn't be something you do just because everyone else is doing it and such. I personally think that dating before high school is a little too young. It all has to do with brain development: the frontal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for planning, impulse control, and judgment, doesn't finish developing until you're in your 20s. Neurology aside, I personally didn't start dating until I was 18 or 19. That was when I began my first (and only, to this day) relationship. Still going strong after over 3 years. We're in it for the long run. :eek:

Whenever you are ready. Thats whats most important. Anddd don't be those people who ask out everyone, because it makes you REALLY desperate.

I feel like you can "date" at any age, it's just more serious when your in high school and later in life and such. I mean, my first boyfriend was at 13 and we never went out or anything. And now at 15, I've only kissed one guy, but I've gone out on a couple of dates.

i started dating at 11 =0 but it was not really anything...and Im 14 naow and I have already had plenty of first kisses and very happy with mai Dimitri =]

Well, I had my first and only relationship at 14 (the other person was 15, and for the record it was very innocent), and it was sadly pretty short, but I learned a lot from it and that's how life is. You try things out, they may not work, but you learn from your mistakes and you grow. Every day is a new experience.

So whether it's pointless/dumb to date when you're young or not really doesn't matter. You have to start somewhere, and it's not like it's going to kill anyone. Though, it's definitely a good idea NOT to have sex until you're older.

My parents won't let me date until I'm 16, but I don't think that's the rule anymore considering that my brother's been dating since he was 13. But my parents definition of dating is when a guy has a car and a job and can afford to pick uou up at your house, take you out to dinner and pay for it himself so not even my older brother is really "dating". I'm not sure I entirely agree with my parent's definition of it, but I can see how it makes sense.

I'm 14, and I can honestly say I am more mature than anyone my age. I'm dating a 17 year old. Most people disapprove of this, but we are mature. He never pressures me into things, and we don't make out every 5 seconds. It's kind of just a "fun" cutesy relationship.. act like a couple in school, and go out on occasional dates. Sure. Many people my age may still think love is gross, or not for them. They might just be dating someone for the fun of it. But it just depends. I honestly think love just happens. I don't think it matters on age, but maturity level. When you are ready to actually get into a serious relationship instead of those cutesy middle school ones.
[SIZE=8pt]Same exact thing with me. I'm fourteen and he's seventeen, and I have never felt pressured to do anything I don't want to. And honestly, you can't put a number on love. But still, I believe relationships are built upon maturity and how responisble you are.[/SIZE]

So I was wondering: how old is old enough to have a boyfriend/girlfriend to you?
I, personally, think 15 is probably the earliest to have a boyfriend. And not going out every night and making out sort of thing. The occasional date, going to movies, the "cutesy" relationship of young teens.

~SkyCrystal :D
I agree with this.

Also depends on your partner's age.

My dumb 14 year old cousin is going to wales tomorrow to stay with her 17 year old boyfriend who she met online.

She's the kind who gets boyfriends for the sake of it.

Sounds kinda dodgy, doesn't it?

I'm not being ageist (or not intending to) but I think relationships like that shouldn't happen.

Myself, I'm not gonna pair up with anyone unless I love them, which (I hope) won't happen for several years.

So I was wondering: how old is old enough to have a boyfriend/girlfriend to you?

I, personally, think 15 is probably the earliest to have a boyfriend. And not going out every night and making out sort of thing. The occasional date, going to movies, the "cutesy" relationship of young teens.

~SkyCrystal ^_^

When I had my first boyfriend I was probably too young i was in grade 2, which is 7 years old, but now that i am 14 I can gladly see the mistake I made of being so early for having a boyfriend and I can look back on my experiences and say 'well at least I can see myself not dating anyone like that.'

I think anyone younger than 13 should not be dating. That's far too young and little kids can't understand what a real relationship is. Sometimes it's cute, but as a serious relationship? No. (Not that I'm really one to talk- I had my fair share of huge crushes when I was younger than 13). I'm 14 and I think I personally could handle a relationship, but most people my age are immature, so I'd say 16-17 is the best age to start "real" dating.

My cousin is sixteen, so she's alright with dating. One problem.

She's dating a 21 year old gang member,

Crushes are fine to have at any age, in my opinion. I'm 22 and I've had a crush on at least one guy since kindergarten, no lie. :mellow: When a person starts to date though, that's a different story. I think it should be when a person is mentally and emotionally mature. It shouldn't be something you do just because everyone else is doing it and such. I personally think that dating before high school is a little too young. It all has to do with brain development: the frontal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for planning, impulse control, and judgment, doesn't finish developing until you're in your 20s. Neurology aside, I personally didn't start dating until I was 18 or 19. That was when I began my first (and only, to this day) relationship. Still going strong after over 3 years. We're in it for the long run. :eek:
Yes, I totally agree with this. Serious, lasting relationships never last unless they start at at least 18, before that, it'll probably never last, and its pretty pointless. Having a crush on someone before then is fine though, and I've had plenty of 'em.

I'm currently dating my best friend. We've been officially together for 6 1/2 months now, and before we started going out we were super close friends for about a year. He's 17 and I'm 16, and we're both juniors in the same high school. It's working out perfectly and I honestly couldn't be happier. I love that we didn't rush into things and that we knew each other so well before we started getting serious.

I think that serious relationships can start at *almost* any age, but you have to be mature of course. One of my best friends started dating her current boyfriend when she was 14, and now she's almost 17 and they've been together for going on three years now. They are absolutely perfect for each other and still as happy and as in-love as the day they met. They're both very mature for their age and they've worked through all of their problems and are handling themselves better than many married couples do. I'm so happy and proud of them :)

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i think that kids shouldn't date until highschool. i've dated before highschool, and i found that it wasn't worth it.

Maturity, I can't be bothered with relationships anymore.

Most of the 'popular' girls in my class go out with some, dump them 2 seconds after.

If I made a mistake on going out with someone when I wanted to find out if I like them or not, but don't. I'd keep it going for a day.

So I was wondering: how old is old enough to have a boyfriend/girlfriend to you?

I, personally, think 15 is probably the earliest to have a boyfriend. And not going out every night and making out sort of thing. The occasional date, going to movies, the "cutesy" relationship of young teens.

I don't believe kids should date. Should I'd go with 15 and older. People should learn to enjoy their younger days before trying to date - why are people trying to grow up so fast and be with someone?

I agree with anyone who's said there's really no set age for when to date. There are different types at different ages though.


For example, at a young age, say 8 or so.. they might be "dating" but wouldn't really be going anywhere, because you know, they're 8, maybe some holding hands and kissing...


Let's say 13.. They're dating, and they're starting to go places.. with parents driving them of course, holding hands and kissing..


Okay, how about 15-17 and up: This is where they are doing the offical dating "business". Where they're going out on their own, boyfriends are driving, kissing (for real) etc, and they really know what's going on.



This is just my opinion.

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