how to connect


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tama mesenger

May 21, 2006
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first: hold all 3 buttons hold it down and reset it if it shows an egg it shouldn't it should be black. second: then press these buttons in the exact order: a b c a. Third: it will say on your screen v:a4 or something like that. then press a it will then say rom test wait til it says rom ok press a it won't work if you connect with v3 and v2. it will work i tried it. this is our little secret don't tell ANYONE! but secretly this is really for tamamom.

no offence, but this aint a secret. i knew about already and have already made a topic about it before u. and loadsa ppl replied soz. but im glad u found out! its a neat tip innit! :D

first: hold all 3 buttons hold it down and reset it if it shows an egg it shouldn't it should be black. second: then press these buttons in the exact order: a b c a. Third: it will say on your screen v:a4 or something like that. then press a it will then say rom test wait til it says rom ok press a it won't work if you connect with v3 and v2. it will work i tried it. this is our little secret don't tell ANYONE! but secretly this is really for tamamom.
i do not understand! can someone explain this in a easier way? :angry:

there is a different way to connect.

Go to the heart and press b then pick others OR v3. if you pick v3 you can choose from game visit and present. if you choose others it's a surprise. while it says 'Stand By' press B. ;) hope that helps! ;)

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