how to get a mametchi


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Apr 23, 2008
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can someone just tell me what i have 2 do to get a mametchi??? i know i have 2 look after it well but what do i exactlay have 2 do??

if u can help he thats a great thanxz :) -_-

well i do know how to get one because i have had a mametchi twice and if u read my singinture u might find that i LOVE mametchi anyway all u need to do is raise his intellagence points [pencil] oh and also u will need to get a harutchi and then either a young mametchi or a young androtchi :) u will need to play heaps of mimic when it is a toddler to raise its intellagence points then hopefully u will get a mametchi!!

:eek: hope i helped :p

K, (I only got Mametchi twice and its in a v5. i dunno if it works in other versions..) you can never ever feed your Tamas ANY JUNKFOOD / SNACKS and you also must always train it using the Smart One / The first option. Try to get parent(s) from the smart family one...

hope i helped: )

You have to get at least 900 penil skill points and 1500 overall. :gozarutchi:

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