How to get a Memetchi in V6


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How to a memetchi in tamagotchi music star? help me pls! ;)
Memetchi is a good care character, so you need to care for her 100%! To get her you need to get Hitodetchi as a toddler. Then get Chamametchi or Ichigotchi as a teen. This way you know you are giving it good or perfect care. :lol:

If I can remember... I let my Chamametchi poop alots, never clicked the toliet when she was about to poop. But clean it up after. Then I got a Memetchi. The reason why is that you let it poop, is making it good care. If you see it trying to poop, DON'T PUSH THE TOILET! That will give it perfect care. :lol:

Sorry that i can't help you much. I haven't played with my Tamagotchi V6 in AGES! I play with my Tamagotchi iD now. :unsure:

If you need more help, check out about it on my site Tamagotchi Home! :lol:

TS9520!!!...why you in tamagotchi music city dont befriend and talk to me?, please exchange items with me! :unsure:

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