how to get the training levels up


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Sep 26, 2005
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:) Hi, don't seem to be able to get the training levels up on my tamagotchi, can anyone advise??? What with this and them not ageing I don't seem to be having much luck. Mind you at least they are healthy and happy. Thank you.
Ok you you dicipline or praise your tama to get their training level up. To have an option to praise or dicipline them the icon you press is on the second row and is the first one on the right (first of the row) O.k now you

Dicipline when......

- It calls for you and has atleast one heart filled in for each meter

- It doesn't eat although it's hungry

And you Praise it when....

- It starts crying (does this when it's a baby or toddler)

- Turns it's back to you and has a black bubble over it's head (only happens when your tama is a teenager)

Hope this helps! :)

:) Right, I'll try again with them tomorrow and see how I get on. They've all gone off to sleep now. Thanks for your help, I'll let you know how we get on.
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