How to have a baby


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When two Tamagotchis are lovers and have been adults for at least 48 hours, the Tamagotchis will breed when you connect them. The male will hop over to the female's screen and.... well... they do what they've gotta do! :D

I av had a tama for a while now im on my 4rth gene and i av 2 say i av got noo idea ive been tryin 2 get my tamagotchis 2 mate but i always endup havin the match maker comin :D

Have you got two boys or girls? Two tamagotchis of the same gender cannot breed. Apparently, they don't seem to be into those sort of things...

*W00t! 700th post!*

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Well, I don't know. I don't think that Tamagotchis who have already had babies can breed, but I could be wrong.

ah right, thanky :)

i have:

a female Mametchi 9 yrs


a male Tarakotchi 7 yrs

just waiting for my taragotchi to have been an adult 48 hours so i can breed them :)

hey! how often do it's years change? like, how long does it take to be 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, etc. is it 24 hours? or a week? or a year or what?

hey! how often do it's years change? like, how long does it take to be 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, etc. is it 24 hours? or a week? or a year or what?
It turns one year old each day, starting the hour after it is born.

Well, you have to wait until your tama is an adult. If you keep connecting with a tama of the opposite gender (also an adult) than chances are you can get them to partner up and have a baby. Once they have a great relationship (all hearts) you can connect the 2 tamas and the female will have two babies and give one to the male. If you don't partner with another tama the matchmaker will come and find you a partner. If you don't have a baby at all and say no to the matchmaker (she will come more than once) your tama will grow old and die without going on to another generation. :) :p

I hope this helps


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