How to make a cute tama house


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Feb 23, 2008
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Thanx for coming

get a box (i you live in england there are these boxes called really useful box i used that) a plastic one not card board one that the lid comes off

then get material (big anough for the bottem of the box) and use it as carpet if you dont have any material you can always cut up a old shirt that you dont waer anymore thats what i did

you can make a bed out of cotten wool to put your tama on so it doesnt get scratched

next if you have a printer prtint out some pics of tamagotchi (if you havent got a printer you can use the packaging and cut the pics out from that)

then you have a cute little tama house you can add little bits of furniture

i did cos i kept on losing mine so onece your done playing with it or its sleeping just put it in its box and its safe

x hope i helped x

:( :eek: B) :lol:

[SIZE=8pt]that actually seems kinda cool, i always like to make little houses for toys i care about, like my webkinz. I also once made a tamagotchi thing too but it was just a bed, and i lost it. Now i am dying to get a V5 to make somethin for it! But if i do get one , i will definitly use ur idea![/SIZE]

Is this a girly or boy idea or both? And my mum hates clutter where could I put it without her annoying me about it? :p

But I like the idea! Sounds nice! :D
