How To Train Your Tama?


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Sep 18, 2005
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Hey, I'm sorta new to Tamagotchi Version 2. I see this training bar meter, but I'm not exactly sure how to fill it up and how it works. I know its about discipline and praising, but when should i do each and how does the training meter effect my tama?

Well you praise your tama when it calls for attention,(when it beeps or when the attention icon lights up) and it has it's back turned or it is crying. Give your tama time out when it calls for attention and it's hearts are full and it's not doing anything. To praise or give Time Out go to the talking icon. Hope it helps. I got 9 training points from doing this. :huh: :gozarutchi: ;)

Oh I forgot. The way the training bar effects your tama is that I think it has a little effect on what character you're gonna get. So if you have a high level of training points you might get a great character like mimitchi or mamitchi. That's what happened to me.

Another way to get training points is when you connect. If you have a present wrapped ready to give but your Tama gives something bad instead (snake, poo, empty box) you can give it a time out and get a point.

I'm not sure if the points help with the character you get. I had nine points and got Hiratchi, not very thrilled!

Just want to say - Tamafan wants people to stop leaving Tamatalk, but nobody ever talks to me and I don't know why!

Also, when you connect with other people, and your Tama gives your friend an unexpected present such as poop or a snake, discipline it FAST! If you see it cry, instead of get angry, you have more points!

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