Hurrice Hanna


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Coco Boy

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Oct 4, 2007
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It's going to hit where I live, and it's going to be bad!

And we need to stock up on stuff we don't even have that we need!

So you live in Carolina? It may hit some of the coast

of Georgia, too... :S I don't live on the coast, though.

Oh! I only hope that it will miss you and your family! Be safe!

I'm the the NY coast and it's a tropical storm guaranteed to hit.

Im in Ontarito, Im just getting the tail of it. alot of rain will come int he next week.

Good luck, I hope you make it through the hurricane, and if you do get hit, I hope its just a heavy rainstorm...

I'm the the NY coast and it's a tropical storm guaranteed to hit.
I know! A hard tropical storm is hitting the Jersey Shore which is where my grandparent's live. It's also 2 hours away from where I live. We have to go down there today to help secure our boat, all the chairs, tables, and whatever can go flying. There is supposed to be winds of up to 60mph, at least that's what I heard. I'm nervous for my grandparent's house...I hope it's okay. :D


I rode my bike to school through Hurricane Hanna.

It was kind of awesome.

It's kinnda gonna hit us, Just heavy rain.I'm in WV.
Heavy rain here too.(NJ).

I should probably get out because I'm not sure if its part of that hurricane or something.

CB: I hope your safe!

nobody:Seriously? O________O

nobody:Seriously? O________O
Yeah 8D

The wind was blowing on my back, so I was going really, really fast.

I live a mile and a half away from the school.

The winds were so hard that it only took me three minutes and two seconds.

Yes, I did time myself on the way home xD

Riding my bike through a hurricane has to be one of the most awesome things I've ever done xD

Coast of Georgia? That's where I am! And my name is Hannah! Awesomeee~ =3
Now if your name was Katrina... Trust me, since Hurricane Katrina, the name popularity plummeted.

And it's not really cool if a hurricane hits the coast. Hanna has killed atleast 80 people since it hit land in Cuba.

The rain already hit us. It was pouring and we were driving home from somewhere. o.o We're getting most of the wind now though, but not as much rain. I tree fell on a car in NY though. Saw that on the news.

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