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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
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Behind you :D
Ok peoples, when i went to school this morning the front door was shut right? Well when I came home with my brother the door was OPEN. And I was at school, My brother was at college and my parents were at work. And at 12:00 PM today my mum called the house phone from her work. And someone picked up but it was just heavy breathing. And when she called again the phone wouldn't answer because someone else was already using the phone.

Freaky eh? O_O

Post and tell meh what joo think x3



First things first, I have to say I sang the topic title in the tune of Untouched by The Veronicas. Sorry xD

But honestly, that's creepy. & everythings still in your house? Nothings gone missing. 0_0

Do you have a house alarm? If you do make sure it's on tonight, not trying to freak you out. But it makes things a whole lot safer.

Thanks guys :3 My mum thought it was her breathing down the phone, Because she had a head set phone, and the thinks she left the door open that morning. But, Anyway we had also chained up or dog right(Don't worry we are not mean :rolleyes: ) And when me and my brother came home she was unchained. O_O

:/ I can't. I'm not in charge of teh house keys.

Well there hasn't been anything like that happening in a while 8D

Sugary~ :3

Someone's after you. When you go to bed put a knife under your pillow for safety. Or... lock the door.
O_O Put a knife under my PILLOW!?....Well, I could get stabbed because I squrm around alot in my sleep. It's a good thing nothing like that has happened much in a while =D

Suagry~ :3

Someone's after you. When you go to bed put a knife under your pillow for safety. Or... lock the door.
Thats really....dangerous ya know

Wow.....I would be freaked out if I was in that situation!


I say make sure the house door is shut, and remind your parents to lock the door. You could try to convince them to get new locks and keys-that's a totally different shape...

I hope you didn't go in!! Did you call the police? Dang, that sure would scare me to death!! Is anything missing out of the house? If that happened to me, I sure would call the police, explain the situation, and wait for an officer to arrive before entering. The person(s) could still be inside!!

^ There wasn't anyone in their house, though... I think they just left the door unlocked and it probably blew open. She did mention her mother thought it was her breathing, because of the headset and whatnot.

Just... try not to get too worked up about it. It's probably nothing. =D

Sleep in a hotel while getting your house carefully examined x.o I wouldn't sleep there.

xD. Nothing has happened for about a couple of months?. So It's no big deal. Can a guide please close this topic? If you have any advice for me if this EVER HAPPENS AGAIN then feel free to contact me by PM. :3

Sugary~ =D

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