I am getting meh first Tama!


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Active member
Jul 4, 2005
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On Wednesday I should be getting my first tamagotchi! I am currently at my aunts and she said on Wednesday she will pick me up a Tamagotchi whilst I am at Black Creek Pioneer Camp! I want a Gozaruchi and a Mimirutchi or whatever.

Can someone tell me how to get Oyajitchi? So I know for a version 2?

Congrats! You're getting a v2? Neat :eek: I'm not sure how to get an Oyajitchi for a v2 though. Sorry.

Yay! Thanks for replying! I am soooo ready I badly want one.

Well it's great that your getting one. :eek: TamaTalk can show you everything you'll need to know, from secret codes to all the different colors of tamagotchis! :lol:

That sounded like an ad. :lol:

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if u get a masktchi and take real good care of it,

it will reveal it's true self, a oyajitchi

if u get a masktchi and take real good care of it,it will reveal it's true self, a oyajitchi
Oh wow thanks! I am going to get my fav character right away hopefully!

You need to learn how to spell. No offense or anything.

I havn't found a single mistake. Please do tell me where.
It's okay Tyler842. lolli911 probably made a mistake. There are no spelling errors in your post. :eek:

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