I Am going To Rip This Kid's Head Off Soon!


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Well-known member
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Southern Ontario
I'll let this copied and pasted convo do the talking. Sorry if there's any swearing in it xD Sorry if I bored anyone, too. xP:

Jade says:


' allie.! :] says:

Elloo .

Jade says:

woolwich is going to beat u

' allie.! :] says:

we beat them in stratford and lost in double overtime on provincials.

Jade says:


' allie.! :] says:

why dont you try to be the goalie on the fifth best peewee B team in ontario ?

Jade says:

im better than u

Jade says:


' allie.! :] says:

yeah right.

Jade says:

i could own u anytime

' alie.! :] says:

ive been to: Future Pro Goalie School, Hockey Horizons, Puckstoppers Goalie School, Team Canada Clinics, and Puckstoppers 1 on 1 training. beat that! :D

' allie.! :] says:

and im playing on an A team in the summer

Jade says:

i dont need a stupid goalie school to be better than u

Jade says:

it runs in my family fool

' allie.! :] says:

acutally yeah. goaltending is hard and takes alot of agility. a retard in grade 8 cant magicly go in net and pwn at it.

Jade says:

yeah well i have a hell of alot more agility then u

' allier.! :] says:

i started goaltending in novice becuase i thought it would be easy. goaltending takes alot of years to be one of the best, and you can never be perfect at it. i always learn something each practise or game.

' allie.! :] says:

and you might want to think that over. when was the last time you ran up and down all the stairs in the western fair sports center?

Jade says:

i could last alot longer then u

' allie.! :] says:

yeah right. i would like to see you but some goalie equipment, be on the fifth best peewee b team in ontario, and play on an A team in the summer. you would look like a retard in that kind of hockey.

' allie.! :] says:

and as far as i know, the last time you played some sort of hockey it was floor hockey.

Jade says:

yeah right thats wat u think

Jade says:

so im going to play ice hockey today

Jade says:

im going to play with mark bell

' allie.! :] says:

im going to hockey practise with an A team tomorrow :furawatchi:

Jade says:

my grandma knows him

Jade says:

he lives across the street from my grandma

Jade says:

beat that

Jade says:

i know a leafs player and u dont so ha

' allie.! :] says:

seriosuly jade, stop being a retard. youre just jealous that youre not the goalie on an A team or on the fifth best peewee B team in ontario.

and who cares if youre going to play hockey with him? just because youre grandma knows an NHL player and youre going to play hockey with him doesnt make you the bets dang goalie ever.

Jade says:

better than u

' allie.! :] says:

working hard and being confident makes you the best dang goalie ever. playing with a Leafs player because your grandma knows him doesnt.

Jade says:

i bet u couldnt stone mark bell cold

Jade says:

cause i can

' allie.! :] says:

i dont really care. you probably stoned him once and you let the rest in.

' allie.! :] says:

but if you dont take the sport seriously, youre not gonna get any better.

Jade says:

no acually i stoned him allot more than u ever would

Jade says:

i wonder y ur the fith best team

Jade says:


Jade says:


Jade says:

cause of u mabey

' allie.! :] says:

seriously, out of the 60+ teams in ontario thats pretty dang good. better than you will ever be

Jade says:

ok then

Jade says:

whatever u say

Jade says:

y arnt u first or second

Jade says:


' allie.! :] says:

be mature. just becuase i take the sport seriously and put more hard work and time into goaltending doesnt mean you have to be jealous.

Jade says:

im not jealous

Jade says:

im just better

Jade says:

and im not a hockey freak like u

' allie.! :] says:

and we arent first or second becuase we lost a dang good game in double overtime. and i wasnt even in net for that game. and the team that got first we beat twice at a different tourney.

Jade says:


' allie.! :] says:

how can you be better if you have never been on a top team in organized hockey? people dont buy goalie equipment and magically become the next MArtin Brodeur.

Jade says:

at least i dont try to be like ed belfour

Jade says:

and brodeur sucks balls

Jade says:

potvan is way better

' allie.! :] says:

your favourite NHL goalie doesnt affect the way you play. your mind affects the way you play.

' allie.! :] says:

and what you know about the position, which you know NOTHING about goaltending.

Jade says:

yeah at least i have an athletic mind cause all u have is a nerdy mind smartypants

' allie.! :] says:

how low will you go to try and prove youre better than me? now youre just jealous i get better marks than you in school.

Jade says:

ya spaz

Jade says:

i dont care about school marks

' allie.! :] says:

spazz? the last time i checked i dont yell at people for no reason.

' allie.! :] says:

then why are you calling me a nerd?

Jade says:

i no ur better at school then me but im a better goalie

' allie.! :] says:

youre not a better goalie. you dont go on the ice and magically become a champ. to be the best goalie ever it takes alot of time and effort.

' allie.! :] says:

not jealousy.

Jade says:

just admit it U SUCK

' allie.! :] says:

i suck? at least im on a top team in ontario and on an A team for summer hockey unlike you.

Jade says:

i dont care because i dont play alot of hockey because im not a freak like u

Jade says:


' allie.! :] says:

so if you dont play alot of hockey that emans you dont put as much time and effort into it as me.

' allie.! :] says:

time and effort is what makes you a good goalie, and from what you said you barely have any of that.

Jade says:

i dont need time and effort i just have fun

' allie.! :] says:

i know hockey was made to have fun. but you definately need time and effort to be a good goalie.,

Jade says:

oh and my uncle is a goalie teacher and a goalie himself

' allie.! :] says:

now youre just being cocky.

Jade says:

so beat that

' allie.! :] says:

and ive been a goalie sine i was seven.

' allie.! :] says:

and ive gone to far more training camps than you

Jade says:

ive been a goalie since i was 4

Jade says:

i dont need training camps

' allie.! :] says:

you dont need training camps to be a goalie, but you need them to improve your game.

Jade says:

i dont need to improve

Jade says:

im good as i am

' allie.! :] says:

now youre just being cocky. i seriously doubt youre better than me if youve never been to a goalie camp.

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Then I guess I'm not brave because I only read about half of it then skimmed through the rest. Lol.

So tell him to lay off. Firmly. Be a little bit mean if you have to.

What? Can you make it a little clearer please I couldn't even read it half the time.

I read through all that (Yes, I have a lot of time on my hands.), so I must be brave, and yeah, just tell him to lay off. Let him think he's the best, even though it isn't true xD

I read it all.

Sounds like the kids just jealous and is tryin to get under your skin.

Just block the twerp.

I read the whole thing. If I were you I would keep saying "Good for you" each time he sayys "Im better then you". THen I'd see how he feels when I repeat the same thing. x]]

^^ Stole the words from my keyboard =]

And yeah, there's a block button which would've been easier than aguing. =P

[SIZE=7pt]This is how I see it: He is jealous, but does not want to admit it. Block him. MSN is for chatting, not fighting.[/SIZE]
Do you know him in real life?

If so, give him a nice kick for me, eh?

I read the whole thing 0_o

And 'He' sounds like a real ******. Make what you can of that, I just added in random asterics.


Or, hit the block button. That works wonders in your situation.

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