I am really sorry


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
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;) :D I am sorry about that Emily Osment joke now some people are pming me say ur sush a lair have i said sorry about 20 TIMES so year im sorry im really really sorry

so can every 1 4get about it :D :D

plez reply

:nazotchi: from miss_roxy_6 :nazotchi:

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Er.. it didn't really bother me. I guess I accept. Though you kinda mostly need to be sorry to the fans of Emily Osment


BTW people calling you a liar. That's low ya'll don't you think?.

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I'm a fan. I never heard of your joke, though. I'm sure not many people did. This topic doesn't have much of a point. Why don't you just pm the people that you told the joke to that you're sorry?

What was the joke?

Matchy :D

Well...I'm gonna admit it.

That really did bug me.

I can't stand when somebody lies about being a Celebrity...

That's why I try not to be so gullible on the Internet.

You never know...

I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, but you said sorry once enough.

I forgive you, as long as you try to be a little nicer from now on. :D


After all, you deserve an apology.

People being rude to you did'nt made me feel that good, either.


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We forgive you. o_o'

We never believed you either. :mimitchi:

I'm a fan. I never heard of your joke, though. I'm sure not many people did. This topic doesn't have much of a point. Why don't you just pm the people that you told the joke to that you're sorry?
What was the joke?

Matchy :mimitchi:
She said she was Emily Osment!

It's ok!!!!!! I FORGIVE u!Yes I read ur topic too!

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