I am soo scared!


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Feb 19, 2006
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Ok. I just graduated from elementary school. I was sooooooo POP-U-LAR!!!! I was pretty nice had good grades and tons of friends!!!!!!!

I am going to junior high. I am sooooooo scared will i be the shrimpy little girl who only has 3 friends?!?!?!

I am soooooooooooo scared I really mean it! I have had the scariest dreams about how junior high turned everyone wierd or how the worst became the best!


1. My first day we had all these tests on the Aztec Indians!!! Then our teachers took us to this bog riding in an old hillbilly truck and we had to do tests on the water and Madison and Lauchlyn started liking each other and got close like really close! And they are both girls!!

2. It was the last week of JH and we had a test in P.E. we had to make 48 free through basket ball shots in a row. The girl in my class who could no even make 1 made them and me and my bff failed! I have never failed anything!!!!!!!!!!

I have had way more than that but I can't remember them now.

Do any of ya'll have any ways I can forget that and have a great summer?!?! :D

Middle isn't too bad,

And those dreams are just dreams. It's not like they're going to come true.

If you had friends in elementary you'll have them in middle too.

Just don't think to much about, there's nothing to be worried about.

Stop freaking out, and just relax a little. I'm going into junior high too. Things'll be different, but relax for now. When school comes around again, try to get used to it. It's okay. I'm the short girl with 2 friends. No worries. :D

You can always find something to take your mind off it. It seems like you're making a giganto deal out of this. So just relax a little, and do something fun, that you like. :D Good luck.

Don't worry. I'm going into my second year of middle school. I had many similar dreams to those you had. I thought I would be the ugly girl with no friends, no boyfriend, and have a miserable time. I ended up being one of the most popular girls, got the best boyfriend, all the teachers liked me, I got great grades, and had the best year of my life so far. Just think that you will have a great time and everything should just fall into place. The most inpotant thing you can do is keep a positive mind and relax :D . It isn't going to be terrible! :D Have a great time next year and good luck.

look who cares if you're popular or not as long as you have great friends. I wish people would stop worrying about middle school even though I'm going too. you'll be fine you wont die

I'm going into MS, too. Everyone knows who I am in my school, well what do you expect from the #4 Accelerated Reader point acheiver, but I only have a few friends. I am NOT a very social person DX That's why I read so much. There are three elementary schools going into my MS and a LOT of people I hate the guts of. I can't help feeling I will hardly get any classes with my friends and a LOT of classes with people I hate! *sigh*

middle school is fine but bigger. I had good grades thru 6th grade with only 1 friend, but then she moved to Japan so I was friendless at the end of school but still had good grades

Middle school is so much better than elementry. You get tons of more freedom and you don't stay with the same teacher for the whole day.

Here's some tips:

Don't get into the gossip ring- Just don't refuse to spread/listen to gossip. Very bad and ruins relatioships and the like. Just refuse and you will be so much better off.

Keep track of homework- Just do it. If you keep missing/not turning in your work you WILL fail. It may be hard but it's totaly worth it.

Be nice to people- kind of like the number one bullet. It doesn't matter if it's the 'popular prep' or the 'nobody' it doesn't matter. Don't play the labeling game. Some people won't want to be nice to you but you just keep a level head and be the better person.

• Respect teachers- Self explanatory. Won't like 'em all, but you can still respect their authority.

Don't be late- D-halls aren't fun.

You can make or brake your middle school years with your attitued so make it a good one. :]

Don't worry about it! Junior High isn't bad! Just be sure you do all your homework, be nice to other students and teachers. You will survive.

-Happyqueen :D

Don't go to Catholic school. :blink: Or private school. That may sound like weird advice, but I was picked on and bullied in Catholic school/private school, but when I made the transition to public school...everyone was nice. There's a lot more pressure on popularity in small schools.

Don't worry

you'll survive

i'm short for my age and alot of ppl would be all aren't you supposed to be in 4th grade and crapp like that

but i just ignored it and made tons of friends!

I'm going to high skool now and i'm scared bu ti know i will live through it

i'm going to middle school but i'm not scared at all :( i'm very excited!! anyways popular? PLEASE! be a leader nto a follower and who in the world cares about fitting in? stand out and be yourself! if people wear or do something does that mean you have to do that to?! NO! be differnt and unique an who cares what people think.............ignore or just say "Thats nice!" so yeah here is some tips that i'm using and dont worry other people go through it to! just be nice to teachers and classmates and you'll live!


It's school time again! You're probably feeling excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over. Some kids feel nervous or a little scared on the first day of school because of all the new things: new teachers, new friends, and maybe even a new school. Luckily, these "new" worries only stick around for a little while.

Moving to Middle School?

Sixth grade often signals a move to middle school or junior high, where you'll find lockers and maybe a homeroom. This is just what it sounds like - a classroom you'll go to each morning, kind of like your home in the school. In middle school, you might move from classroom to classroom for each subject. Your teachers know that this is a big change from elementary school and will help you adjust.

Want more? Click here!

I hope this helped, and best wishes for the upcoming school year!

I have a feeling that everything is gonna be just fine. ;)

Don't fret over the little things. If you take off the unwanted stress, you should feel better about it in no time.

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MIddle school is NOT hard! You make it sound like a jail where every one fails everything and it matters if your popular!

It just a school. Nothing hard.

Hey don't sweat it middle school will be fine. When I had to start middle school I was excited. You should focus on the positives of it all. Of course there are going to be hard times and some friendships might be lost but in the end it all turns out fine. Just remember to make friends and treat them well so they always have your back. I was popular too in 5th grade and in 6th grade. It was tough. My best friends would get in fights and I would try to stay out of it but in the end I felt like I would lose one good friend because I was on the others side. I had tons of problems with boyfriend but it is all part of growing up. Just enjoy it. It wil be fine. I loved it and I am sure you will too. :p

I don't see why you make middle school seem all that bad.

I'm actually excited that I'm going into middle school next year.

I was a little depressed in 5th grade because people made fun of me because I'm shy and people thought I was weird, but now that I'm going to a new school I'm excited that I have a chance to make new friends and start over.

Don't let bad dreams get in your way- they're just dreams. Its not like they'll become real or anything.

It doesn't matter how many friends you have- it's how special they are to you. It's better to have 5 friends you can trust than 10 that barely talk to you.

-Be nice to people, and give people a good impression.

-Always pay attention to the teacher. If people start calling you 'Teacher's Pet' or anything, just ignore them.

-Don't label people.

-Get enough sleep and eat a good breakfast.

-Try to 'become friends' with the teacher. My teacher in 5th grade liked me and she helped me when other people were bothering me or anything.

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[SIZE=14pt]I understand how your feeling but you need to relax and stop thinking negative. Life isnt always about popularaty. If you think about you'll always have those great friends by your side. Im scared too though. Im in grade 6 next year things will be different but exactly the same...[/SIZE]

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Middle school isn't that bad.

Being a 7th grader, I would know...

There are alot of differences between elementary and middle, yes, but most of them are technical details, like the classes or the school size.

(The only real difference is the maturity level-- everyone gets less mature, I've noticed... ah, and the older kids are sort of... vulgar, sometimes. Maybe it's just my school.)

It doesn't matter if you're popular or not-- you make friends with the people who are like you. It makes no difference how many people there are for that. Smaller groups of friends tend to be closer.

Pay attention in class and don't get too caught up in social things for schoolwork, and you'll be fine.

And those dreams... are just dreams. No one makes you do that sort of stuff (espically on the first day.)

I'm a 7th grader also.

And what in the world is wrong with having 3 friends? Some people only have 1-2!

I have a lot, but that's not better then only having 3.

Friends wont keep you alive!

Being popular must be nice, but you don't have to admit you are, I really don't wanna come down on ya, but in middle school, you need to play it cool, and stop telling yourself your popular, it wont help your school fear! (sorry...) :(

Well, all you need to do, is be careful, start being EXTRA careful about what you do in class (they are more strict in middle school sorry to say) and have a nice time!

It'll be fun for you I know you'll like it! :D Just have fun, but be mature (not saying your not) around adults.

You'll like it, stop stressing!! :)

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