I aM tHe WaLrUs


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(I will add to this later! I'm honestly about to pass out.

Phew. I feel much better today.)

Lucy had to stifle a giggle when he called her Asher's 'lady friend'. Of course, she was, but she had never heard herself being put in that sort of position. It was interesting, the way people spoke around here, although it wasn't far too different from how people spoke in Oklahoma. "Hm... maybe we could just relax and cuddle or something," she said, moving to walk closer to him, wrapping her arm around his waist. "And then tomorrow we can go to Helena, and you can show me more of the area around your town."

Jesse noticed what Reagan was reading, and he couldn't help but admire her for that. Most of the girls who were into politics were the girls who had basically let themselves go, the super hippies. She, on the other hand, was put together, and looked like she had class. But he was distracted from his thoughts when she got up to leave. He rose to his feet as well, and went over to her, while Eric watched smugly. "Um, excuse me, miss? Didn't I see you earlier?" He handed her the magazine off of the table, with a slight smile. "Also, I like your reading material. Good choice."

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You could have taken your time, considering I was going away for a week, but that's okay. I'm glad you felt better!

So, how long till the big move-in? :)

Speaking of Rolling Stone, this month had a really interesting article about a certain runner in the American Presidential Election. I've come to the conclusion that Michele Bachmann is a bit of a nutcase. Your thoughts?

"Sounds like a perfectly good plan to me," Asher replied, offering a wave to Matthew and a few of the waiters and waitresses as he lead Lucy out with an arm securely wrapped around her shoulders. "Of course, we have to get home first, so that will also take some time out of our day, and significant energy, so I think a quiet evening in would be a good idea." The went back to the sailboat, with Asher quickly getting everything all set for the trip back; this took less time than when they had begun their journey, already once again becoming more at one with the familiar motions necessary.

Reagan tried to avoid looking too startled when the familiar man approached her as she was getting ready to leave. She nodded shyly in reply before saying, "Yeah, you were… Getting arrested, I think," she couldn't help but chuckle gently at how the sentence sounded out loud, "You waved at me before you got into the Police car." She'd thought about making a remark about the guy he was with getting him out, and not so long ago she would have voiced it, although the time when she had the confidence to say even something like that felt like another lifetime ago. As did her dream of being a writer or a journalist for a magazine just like Rolling Stone. She smiled slightly as she took her copy from him and said, "Thank you. Janis Joplin- great woman. Rolling Stone- great magazine. Vietnam… Not so great, you could say."

Most definitely!

Only one week! =D I'm so ready!

... She is, in a word, abhorrent.

Lucy nodded and said, "Hopefully the wind will be on our side so the trip won't take too long. Although, being out on the open water is absolutely beautiful and relaxing. I bet it's just was amazing being out on the ocean." She trotted over to the boat and helped Asher as best as she could, although she wasn't too familiar with the mechanisms of the boat just yet. She stood back to examine it, nodding her head in approval. "It looks great!" She said, moving to push the boat further into the water, trying to keep it from scraping any rocks. "I'll need to get more boating practice before we set out on our honeymoon," she told him, wading into the water before pulling herself up and into the boat.

"I knew that was you," he said with a smile, shoving his hands into his pockets and nodding. "I'm sure I didn't make the best impression on you, but I won't apologize. I figure I was just doing what I thought was right, and I shouldn't be sorry for anything like that, even if it does ruin how people view me." When she mentioned Joplin, he grinned and said, "She is indeed. I would love to meet her someday and get her opinion on this whole mess."

Oh dear. Speaking of that week. So much to tell people, not enough time to tell it. I drank more than I usually would in two months (to be fair, though, I still wasn't drunk at all), and I got invited to a party by a guy very fascinated by my sunglasses and English accent; if I'd accepted and he'd had his way, my virginity would not be intact right now, I'm almost certain of that. Oh, and some other things that I probably should say out in the open here. gain, I say, oh dear xD

Awesome! I'm so excited for you!

You can say that again. Good grief, she's just.. Ridiculous. I can't believe she's taking herself seriously.

"You probably will. We'll need one much bigger than this one, too, so that takes a little more work in itself. But, hey, it'll be an adventure," Asher said. He leaned over to her before setting out to give her a peck on the cheek. "Anchors aweigh!" he called out with a chuckle as the wind finally took them, gaining up to a steady speed. He took in the surroundings as he settled into the sailing routine, thinking there were fewer places he could think of that were quite so beautiful. Yes, he loved New York, and it was beautiful in its own way, and he preferred its atmosphere to the one of complete quiet that often took over Paradise Valley, but here everything had a naturally astounding gorgeousness to it. He supposed it had always served as a kind of artistic inspiration for him. The return trip was considerably quicker than the first, and they arrived as the sun was beginning to lower towards the horizon. He thanked the man at the boathouse for lending them the use of his boat, and then he and Lucy took the short fifteen minute walk back to his home.

Reagan shrugged and said, "I think, perhaps, allowing yourself to get arrested for reasons that the law considers wrong but that most people would consider morally right is more admirable than deplorable, under the right circumstances," she held her hands up and smiled slightly as she continued, "I'm not going to judge you badly for it." She glanced at Janis' picture gracing the magazine's cover. One could even go as far as to say that she was, in a few words, verging on ugly, aesthetically speaking. But that kind of gave her a certain appeal; she really was just an average woman, who making her wildest dreams come true. "Mm, meeting her would be quite something. I worry about her, though, that one day all this fooling around with drugs is going to end badly for her."

Oh. My. Goodness!!!! That's crazy! And I want to know about the other things too! PM me!

Thank you! I have so much to do, with very little time to do it.

I know. politicians over here are crazy.

Lucy was in awe of their surroundings as they sailed towards home, the beautiful mountains in the background, the endless sky. It was all breathtaking, and Lucy couldn't think of any words that would properly describe it. When they reached the shore, Lucy thanked the man who had lent the boat to them, then took Asher's hand and walked by his side the whole way to his parents' house. "Today has been a wonderful day," she said to Asher. "Thank you so much, for everything."

Jesse said, "Well, that's a relief. I mean, not that I care if you judge me or not, it's not like it hurts me at all." He shrugged, then looked at the cover for a few brief moments. "Well, I can't say that I disagree with her lifestyle, because that would make me a hypocrite in terms of my beliefs in free life, and not judging people individually. But I will say that I hope she can continue to give us music for as long as she possibly can."

Ah, I'm not even moving into college, and I know that feeling! It only just feels like my exams really ended because my results came out today!

Looking at the candidates, I have to say, I hope Obama gets another term. I like him. He's sane xD

Asher smiled, genuinely over the moon that she'd enjoyed herself. He realised that people their age, admittedly sometimes including himself, often didn't appreciate the simpler things in life, like what they'd done today, and just admiring the scenery. He thought it was great that sometimes Lucy was quite happy to spend time together doing this kind of thing, as well as living the exciting city life of New York, which he also loved, but for completely different reasons. The more time he spent with her, the more reasons emerged to him as to why she was so utterly perfect to him. "You're welcome. I'm glad you had a good day," he replied, "I did, too, you know. It really was wonderful. They arrived back at his parent's house to find a note on the kitchen counter from Sarah, to say she'd gone grocery shopping, and then Bill in the living room, paper spread across his lap yet asleep on the couch. Asher smiled slightly upon seeing his father so, as he carefully- so as not to wake him- stepped from the living room doorway back into the kitchen once more.

Reagan shrugged slightly. "Well, sure. I mean, I don't condemn drug culture. That would make me a hypocrite, too. It's not as though I haven't tried anything. It's more... The quantities, I suppose. You know, because her music is so good, her influence so huge, that it'd be a shame to lose her before her time is up," she said. "Still, I guess it's out of my hands. I'll sit back, enjoy all she has to offer, until it is no more. Whether that's until next month or in another twenty years."

Urgh. I hate not being able to do anything. Stupid concussion. ):

How is Les Mis going!? =D

Lucy smiled at Asher, then set down her jacket before going to the bathroom to freshen up. She was looking healthier than she had been before, although it was obvious she had lost weight and sleep over the past couple months. She wiped off her face and gave a soft sigh before exiting the bathroom and going into the kitchen. She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. It was strange, being able to hold him again, to smell his soap and cologne, to hear him talking to her. It was probably the most amazing feeling she'd ever had. "So, if we want to get married anytime soon, we'll definitely need to start planning." She smiled and rested her face in his back.

Jesse nodded silently, taking in her point of view and mulling it over. Yeah, he could see where she was coming from. He liked it when people could give him their point of view and it wasn't bible-thumping or ultra conservative. Honestly, he couldn't stand people like that. So he was judgmental of them; they were just as bad. But this girl wasn't one of them, thank goodness. She seemed pretty chill, and the fact that she admitted to trying stuff was pretty cool too. "You know, at first glance, I wouldn't have pegged you for a girl who's tried things like that. You seem pretty clean cut." He shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded slightly.

Well, we're both invalids, in that case. I've been off sick for two days, and haven't slept during the night for two nights straight. The tablets I was taking were giving me nightmares and keeping me awake; all night all I thought about were brushstrokes, sketchbooks and abandoned places, all relating to the art presentation I was supposed to give today xD I hope you feel better soon! At least you don't have to regrow any bones from scratch, though (;

Good so far. Rehearsals started last week and they're going well. We should have done the first four scenes by Friday :)

Otherwise, how is college?

Asher was in the middle of making some tea when Lucy returned, at first surprised by the contact she made with him- anything like that, where he wasn't expecting it made him start a little bit more than he usually would, and it would probably be that way for quite some time yet. He relaxed again after a few moments, however, and went back to his tea making as he listened to her talking to him. He smiled, nodded and replied, "I think you're right, you know. I suppose I should ask if you have any starting points at all as to what you might like? Anything at all?" He stroked her arms that were wrapped around his middle for a moment before breaking away and offering her a mug of tea.

I'm off to guitar, so I'll write for Reagan later. It's probably best for you, anyway, I can hardly concentrate on anything today, so my writing's awful.

Well, we're both invalids, in that case. I've been off sick for two days, and haven't slept during the night for two nights straight. The tablets I was taking were giving me nightmares and keeping me awake; all night all I thought about were brushstrokes, sketchbooks and abandoned places, all relating to the art presentation I was supposed to give today xD I hope you feel better soon! At least you don't have to regrow any bones from scratch, though (;

Good so far. Rehearsals started last week and they're going well. We should have done the first four scenes by Friday :)

Otherwise, how is college?

Just writing it all again, if that's okay :)

Asher was in the middle of making some tea when Lucy returned, at first surprised by the contact she made with him- anything like that, where he wasn't expecting it made him start a little bit more than he usually would, and it would probably be that way for quite some time yet. He relaxed again after a few moments, however, and went back to his tea making as he listened to her talking to him. He smiled, nodded and replied, "I think you're right, you know. I suppose I should ask if you have any starting points at all as to what you might like? Anything at all?" He stroked her arms that were wrapped around his middle for a moment before breaking away and offering her a mug of tea.

Reagan allowed herself to laugh a little at his comment. "You're not the first to say that, and you probably won't be the last," she replied. "But you know what they say, it's always the quiet ones." She giggled, much to her own surprise, and then added more seriously, "I know what you mean, though. I admit I definitely was brought up to avoid that kind of culture. I guess when you come to college in New York in a time like this it sort of happens on your nights out." Even though it was only last year that she finished her degree, it felt like a lifetime away after all the things that had happened since then. "You, on the other hand- I wouldn't put it past you, in the nicest possible way, I mean- if I were to be so stereotypical."

I've caught an awful head cold recently. ): It stinks.

"I suppose we should start figuring out where we want to have the wedding. I mean, we need to have it somewhere that both of our families can get to fairly easily. I know how important family is to the both of us, after all," Lucy said, taking the mug of tea gratefully. She sipped from the mug gingerly, making sure she wasn't going to burn her mouth. After a few sips, she started to talk again. "And we'll need to figure out who all we're inviting anyway."

Jesse laughed as well, then shook his hair out casually. "Well, I still think it's pretty cool that you're not judgmental or anything. And I'm sorry we had to first meet when I was getting arrested. I'm sure that didn't make a good impression." He chuckled, then gave a sigh. "Well, maybe I'll see you at the next protest or something. It's tomorrow at noon, in central park. Come if you want, as you are."

Aw, I know how you feel. Mine stayed with me for weeks, and it was making me feel so tired, and then tired of feeling ill and tired of being tired, you know? Get better soon! <3

Asher let out a gentle chuckle before sipping his tea once or twice. "I actually have very few people who I want to invite to the wedding. I don't know why I'm different with you, but usually I'm a very difficult person, and completely unsociable. I don't have many friends, nor do I get along with what little family I have." If he was being completely honest, even his relationship with his parents hadn't been at all great until he'd come back from war alive and well. "So, as far as having somewhere that's easy for everybody, it's really not a problem for me and the people I'd like to invite."

Reagan chuckled and waved her hand dismissively and his apology, "I've forgotten about it already, don't worry." His suggestion at attending the next protest caught her off guard, however. Truth be told, she'd only been at the one today because she happened to have been caught up in it all while she was walking by on her way home. In spite of the fact that she thought that they were campaigning for the right things and was glad people were doing something about it, being a part of those kinds of things, in big crowds of sometimes violent people, now scared her. She didn't want Jesse to pick up on that, though. "I- I'll think about it, of course. I mean, I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow but if I'm around I'll see i-if I can. Thanks." She scooped up her bag and magazine in her arms quickly, as she bid him goodbye. She didn't like to be so abrupt but she didn't want to talk about it any further - the protest, or the way she was acting. "I'll see you," she said, trying to smile before heading on home at a brisk pace.

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I'm coughing up a storm-- it's very obnoxious. Hopefully I'll have full use of my singing voice soon.

"Okay," Lucy said. "I'm the polar opposite. I'm from a huge, tight-knit family, and when they find out I'm getting married, they'll definitely have a cow." She giggled, setting her tea aside to let it cool a bit. "Plus I still have a lot of friends from doing beauty pageants and high school, that I try to keep in touch with. I know a lot of people will just show up on my side, even if I didn't invite them." She sighed and rolled her eyes with a chuckle. Then, she cuddled up to Asher again and gave a soft sigh of contentment.

Jesse watched her go with a confused look on his face, wishing she'd stayed a bit longer. Oh well. He sat down next to Eric and they started debating about more politics and social activism issues.

How's Becca these days, then? :)

"Well, that's okay. My lack of guests will certainly allow for plenty of leeway for you to have some more of your own. I think I may have a few friends who I'd like to come, plus my parents. But not much more than that." Asher continued to sip his tea, as he preferred to drink it when it was extremely hot. He draped an arm over her shoulders and pulled her close to his side. "The truth is, I know that the closest friend I've ever had is going to be there anyway, since I'm marrying her."

Reagan spent the rest of her afternoon doing things around the house while she also pondered whether she was going to turn up to the demonstration the following day. She felt incredibly nervous at the prospect of being around so many people, and probably angry people at that... But maybe it would be good for her, right? Besides, she wouldn't have to be by herself- she could hang out with Jesse and his friends and she'd be fine. As she cooked dinner for herself she'd decided that she'd go, or at least go along and see what she thought once she got there.

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