I can't beileve this is happening...


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xXMrs.Joe JonasXx

Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
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Camp Rock
Ok so remember how I told I liked that guy at my school, but he has a girlfriend? Anyway, he asked my friend where I was(I had just moved.) And my friend told him that I moved and he asked to keep in contact with me!! I nly talked to him once but I really like him...I'm gonna give her my email to give to him on monday! Any tips on what I could talk to him about? Also, I think he dumped his girlfriend! =D

Ask about what he likes to do, anything you have in common, etc.

I guess anything that you feel comfortable talking about to him. :)

Forget it guys. My friend was just joking. A cruel joke.
Aww, sorry. ;___;

I know I probably sound like a big bummed jerk, but theres other fish in the sea...But who'd want to date a fish?

Kay well sorry that happened, but don't see any other reason for this topic to remain up if the problem has been solved (Or not solved I guess you could say).

*topic closed*

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