I can't believe this


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Aug 12, 2009
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A seller that has mostly authentic Tamagotchis is selling a fake for $100!

Click here to see the fake!

It has a non-Tamagotchi DVD and the design of the Tamagotchi is messed up!

There is some Chinese on the package, too!

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The tama looks ligit.. But the DVD gives it away doesn't it. Reminds me of Kimba (Some anime show)That is CRAZY for a connection... Its possible thought that is even fake too... But I dislike people selling fakes, the price is normally crazy too.

While I see those cheap doller store 3 pack digital pets, for $20 as a Tamagotchi too. Those are useless. They die in about 5-10 minutes. (If you are lucky)

wow this is really urgent o_o

its good to have good people bringing things like this to the attention of all tama lovers

we have to put a stop to fake tamas being sold

some one should report this offender!

I noticed at the Bottom... on the Left side it DOES say "Bandai 2004 Made in China."

The package also looks exactly like the IroIro package.

Only thing missing is the Big Red Square Bandai logo on the Right Bottom.

Note:: This seller also has Transformers one for sale like this. o.o


Humm... You notice the inside image background is like the v1/v2 backgrounds? (I think mainly the v1 background I think) I wonder if it is any tama at all, if its a different version in a v5 shell...

I still don't reconize the lion thing... It kinda reminds me of neopets or marapets... something along that line. They never did a dvd or anything for those though. Neopets has a video game, but it looks nowhere near like the CD/Game. I wonder if anyone has figured out what the DVD was.... Its been here for sale for a long time.

maybe they mixed parts of tamas? or just made a really good fake and re-packaged it. it's not hard to re-package things.


You guys need to look a little harder at it >_>. The top of the house antenna is flat. also v5s have a little face on those houses too, this one does not. there is also no circle around the buttons like normal tamas, and if you look at the "Wallpaper" on the tama its rainbow stripes.... it is a fake no doubt and Barely passes a real tama.. not to mention the rediculous price! ....ug.....

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