I can't it anymore.


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Too much.


I honestly am going through a mental breakdown. I want so badly to change schools, to get him out my life. I don't want to love him anymore....I've tried not to but it's not worth it.

What ever happened to those hot summer days when we'd sit at the park and talk until the night? Was that just a game? What about those long, romantic dances that we shared? Did you forget about those? Yeah. Whatever. I'm just a stupid girl who's hopes were way too high. I thought we had something special. I guess I was wrong. Seeing you dance with her was too much....your hands wrapped around her waist, not ever letting go...did you even see me standing there, in tears, watching? No. Of course not. You don't have eyes for me anymore. I'm old news. I'm not pretty enough, not popular enough...right? Thought so. I need to leave....to go someplace where you can't hurt me anymore.

I've faced too much rejection and hurt. Why can't my love just ever work out? I'm hopeless.....

I tried not to listen to you as you talked with her, laughing and smiling. But you were so loud. You kept glancing at me, almost smirking. You know I love you....deep down, you know it. So why do you make me suffer? You don't know the truth...my heart is crippled now.

I hate you. And I love you. I wanna hurt you. I wanna kiss you.


(Sorry guys...I know it may not make sense to you, but I just had to rant about this....-sigh-)

He was holding you back. It obviously didn't mean anything to him.

If he's going to do that, to you, anyone...

He can just go lick the gum off the bottom of some hobo's shoe.

You're too good for him.

It sounds like he's just trying to urk you.

I'd go on with my life and show him that some stupid male can't break you.

And that you're truley the better person deep down.

I mean, why suffer for him?

If he's going to do that, to you, anyone...
He can just go lick the gum off the bottom of some hobo's shoe.

Yeah, I had the same problem. But I got over him. Don't think about him, kay hun? :(

You are to good for him, a guy that nasty shouldn't deserve someone like you.

Your'e not stupid. Your'e smart.

Your'e not ugly. Your'e pretty.

It's all just a part of life. Ignore him. Hang with your friends, the ones that love you for who you are. Find a new guy who loves you for who you are, who doesn't care what you look like, or how smart you are. Let go. Breathe.

He's unlucky!

He doesn't see the real you!

I bet he's one of the worst people.

....go find that special someone that actually cares.

Or stop Looking so that Love can come to you.

I'm very sorry this is happening to you. This isn't your fault --it's his for being a jerk.

This is why you must be careful when your in a relationship.

Especially a boyfriend/girlfriend one. >.>"

You gotta make sure to have at least one piece of your heart controlled by your brain.


You gotta prepare yourself for the worst. You gotta get a grip.

You were obviously to intelligent, and beautiful for him. And he couldn't handle it.


Don't fret over this guy. It's never easy to stop loving someone you loved a lot. (Trust me, I know. >.<)

It may take a week, it may take a month. But don't feel like it's a crime to still love him.

You'll get over him in time. And release that he wasn't the right one for you. :eek:


By the way. You really wrote that beautifully.

It was like a poem. ♥

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Everybody has these kinds of problems. Try looking on the bright side. When I feel pain like that, I just think "hey, at least I'm not the only person who goes through this. Everyone on earth goes through this pain."


Don't let pain destroy you. We all go through situations in life where something hurts so badly that we just can't stand it anymore. It's ok to rant, to allow yourself to feel the pain, to feel like you are at the end of your rope. BUT, when you reach that point, try to find some way to help yourself "rise out of the ashes" so to speak. Once you have released all the emotions you have been feeling, you can then begin to heal inside. Find something that inspires you to be stronger than you ever were before, and cling to it. Day by day, you will begin to feel better and more powerful over yourself and the situation that hurts you. It will happen if you put some effort into it. I am speaking from years of experience.

If he is that much of a jerk, you are wasting your valuable time pining away over him. No guy that throws you away is worth any consideration from you. I know you remember the way that he was...but he is not that person anymore. Clearly he has changed, and become someone who doesn't deserve the slightest acknowledgement from you. You cannot change him back to the way you remember him...and let me tell you it is NOT worth the pain you would surely endure trying to do that. I know it sounds harsh, but I ope you can finally see the situation for what it really is. :D

Show him what he's missing, babe.

If he's stupid enough to hurt you like that, he deserves not one bit of you.

We all go through something like that, he lead you on, hun, he's just some boy.

Just some boy.

I know what you are thinking, "Just a boy?!"

But if he doesn't <3 you back, babe, he's just another boy.

Live, Laugh Love, and Most important, Learn. <3

Thank you everyone....so much. :)

I don't know what I'd do without this lovely Tamatalk community.

Well, things have been going as normal with us....we sometimes talk, or smile at eachother, but whenever we do, it only makes it worse.

Once again...I LOVE YOU GUYS! Seriously. I do.

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