I created an account!


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York; United States
I created a Neopets account and once I was finshed I saw that I already had a pet that I didn't create. It was a red Acara named SUSIPI. I don't know how it got there, but is there any way to delete your pet? If so, please tell me how. I also created another pet, a red Kacheek named Kristaletta. I only want that pet for right now. How do I delete pets? Oh, and how did this SUSIPI get in my account????? I'm so confused.

Thanks in advance,



To get rid of a pet, go to the pet care section, right under create pet on the side tool bar. After you click it, keep scrolling down the page and you should see a link to the adoption center. If you click it, you will be able to donate and adopt pets. Last time I checked, anyway.

Thanks for your help, but since I just signed up today, I can't get rid of any of my pets just yet. They look so sad though, and one of them said "Leave me to die?" I said yes, but it was too early to get rid of them. Thanks, though. Now I know how to get rid of my pets. But does anyone know how I ended up with this SUSIPI?


You can always abandon the pet you don't want by putting into the pound. Someone else who is interested will adopt it instead.

To that, visit this link: https://www.neopets.com/disown.phtml

Also, if you didn't put that pet there, I would be changing your password and also adding in a PIN for extra protection.

You can do both of those things by going to "Help" on the side bar. Click the pink bruce labelled "User Prefs". From the blue options at the top of the screen, go to "Pin preferences" to add a PIN and choose where it is needed and "My Profile" to alter your password.

There are some tips about making a good password here: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=92968

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