I don't know who my friends are...


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2006
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In a world I call my life
Well a month or two ago I started 6th grade, and everything changed...

The girls are either popular or not and such. But I have come to face a bigger problem...

Here it is, as easily as I can explain;

I was born able to fit in with any group of kids, popular, dorky, normal, jocks, you name it, I can fit in with them. And thats my problem...

I was born tom-boy but now I find ,myself looking for a areopostle and anything PINK!

I made a select volleyball team with all the popular people, so we are beguining to hang out with them, but I am not their real friend...

I have old friends but they are ignoring me and such...

Therefore I don't really know who I should hang out with...

I wasn't born popular, normal, jock-ish. I was born everything!

My friend told me I should try the popular thing out and sit with them at lunch, But what if they don't except me?



I really know what you mean, I have been there many times.

Just remember that many things will come and go in your life. But true friends will stay like a handprint on your heart.

Find that true friend and you know they will stay.

Thats all I can say...


I also know the feeling. I used to hang out with a group of friends. one of them has changed so much, however, the one of the girls in this group I was in doesn't want to hang out with the changed girl. (the girl that changed has gone all goth and such.)

People I used to be best friends with never see me anymore. But, I have a few really good friends who I will be able to depend on for life.

Why can't you have all kinds of friends? o_O

So what if you like pink- your color choice doesn't make you. And neither what brand of clothes you prefer. ;]

You don't have to squish into one group to be accepted and have a bunch of friends. You can be friends will all sorts of people- not just a couple.

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[SIZE=14pt]It's good that you're looking for more friends in a sense but don't try to look and act like something you're not to keep them.If the popular peolpe don't like that then forget them and just stick with those that like you for yourself and nothing more.Oh geez that sounded corny. xD [/SIZE]

Try not to hang out with just one group of people. You need to spread your friendships out.

If you're not the popular's real friends, I'm just going to say it; it's not going to last long. I know peer pressure gets the best of all of us, but you have to stay with the people that you know will be there for you. Not because they're popular, but because they're good people.

I hope you make the right decision!

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