I don't know why but...


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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2006
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I feel sorry for furbys *cries* everyone hates them and I feel soo bad for them!

I accually feel like crying when I see a furby! *cries harder*


Dont' feel bad. Everyone has their own opinions. Not EVERYONE hates them. If you look on this forum, from what I've seen, people like Tamagotchis better.

But if you went on a Furby forum, then they'd probably like Furbys more then Tamagotchis.

awww furbies are cool i use to have two of em, theres heaps of people who like em, trust me :( don't cry its not good for ya

i like furbies dont like tamas anymore

Lol, no reason to feel bad. i am such a virtual pet person, and I love my furby. It's so wierd when people say mean things about them, because mine (periwinkle) is a perfect angel, and i love her. She is asleep right now, and just seach for furbys and you might see some who say they are evil, but that is just because they are so life-like they seem scary (in my opinion, though i dont think they are scary at all)


Furby's r awesome I like them a bit better then Tama's. Tama's die to much if you dont take care of them. GO FURBY!!!

im in 9th grade and i have seven furby toys from the tiger toy company ( the makers of origional furby )

- Five tiger furbys , first set

- one limited eddition furby ( also tiger ) purple with white tummy and yellow hair

- one adorable shelby ( broke last month though :(

Poor shelby randomly stopped working all together completly and made a buzzing noise while smelling like smoke! also, one of my first set furbys doesnt wook when i put the batteries in. It wont stop doing its reset dance and the voice wont work. :furawatchi:

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