I don't like him though...


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Rocken Sisters

Well-known member
Jul 4, 2006
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Okies, lets start from the beggining,

So, I met up with a few of my old school friends and this guy (Lets call him Zed xD) was acting all shy. My other friend said that zed liked me but I didn't believe him. Soon, they all started teasing me saying 'Aww, go out with zed!' and before I left the park he said to me, 'why don't you want to go out with me?' and I was like.... U-u-ummm.

I only like him as a friend, not a boyfriend! Please, what should I do?

If he's your friend and has been for a long time, be honest with him.

Smile kindly and say "I don't want to go out with you because you are a good friend and you've been a good friend for a long time.

I just can't imagine you as a boyfriend. It would be too weird for me."

Say "Look, your a really great friend, and I dont want a relationship ruin our friendship. Can we please stay friends for now?"

Just explain how it is, and tell the truth. Lieing or covering things up never makes anything better... just worse.

Be truthful, and just tell him how you feel. Plus, you're not ENTIRELY sure if he really does like you, so don't say anything yet. Just see how it all goes.


That happened to me but I was the boy and my friend who was a girl asked me. I just said yes and its fine. All we do is talk like normal friends. We just hug once and a while. I wouldn't though, because if you TRULY don't like him then just don't.

Get what I'm saying? :)

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